Trump and Rudy Giuliani plotted to sell presidential pardons for $2 million a piece

This sounds like the plot of a truly crappy hentai cartoon. Nothing in this is remotely believable. To tell the truth, I don't really believe that Giuliani is physically capable of performing that act, let alone forcibly performing it while asking for suggestions that might pay for a pardon. But hey, the whole Federal Government is a cartoon nowadays...

She's a smart girl (Columbia?)...and thought she had a future, with some big job, and some big money...She found out pretty quickly after she
dated him that this was likely not the case (according to her)...but I guess she likes to play games, because she could have left at any time...No one can "force" anyone to "service" them....just leave with the tapes you made and go to the police station....and then the news....
Nothing to keep her from walking out... she wasn't in "love", just children, no pets...
She's speaking out now without a problem...what took her so long?

Again, women get in abusive relationships and often stay long long times. It is easy for an outsider to say "Why didn't you just leave'. It apparently is a lot harder than we think it should be. You are so judgmental on her when so many women stay when they should not. It is just how it is.
It’s not illegal to sell pardons

trump could pardon whoever he wanted to, but it is illegal for him to take money for pardons. A similar example is that a police officer can arrest a criminal (a drug dealer), but cannot accept money from another drug dealer to arrest a rival. The pardon is not illegal, but the selling is.
Rudy's lawyer filed paperwork with the court to withdraw as his attorney. The judge asked why. He said he will not cooperate and will not pay me.