Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

On Tuesday, Donald Trump was briefed about "real and specific threats" from Iran to assassinate the former president. Following that, Trump posted: "Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero 'NO' Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!"


Trump Campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung said that Iran’s efforts to assassinate the Republican presidential candidate is part of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to "destabilize and sow chaos in the United States." There have been two assassination attempts on Trump in the past few months, the first in Butler, PA and the second in West Palm Beach, FL.

Cheung said, "Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference."


He continued, "Make no mistake, the terror regime in Iran loves the weakness of Kamala Harris, and is terrified of the strength and resolve of President Trump. He will let nothing stop him or get in his way to fight for the American people and to Make America Great Again."

Earlier this year, the US received intelligence about an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. Since then there have been two known attempts on the former president’s life, on July 13 at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and again on Sept. 15 in West Palm Beach, Florida, at Trump’s golf course.

On Tuesday, the US Senate unanimously passed a bill that would give major presidential candidates the same level of protection as the president. The bill now heads to the Oval Office for President Joe Biden's signature.

Last week it was revealed that Iran offered material hacked from the Trump campaign to the Biden-Harris campaign.

Now that is a true bipartisan bill. (y)
Remind me, how many times was Obama shot?

Same number of times as Trump. Ouchie, my ear hurts!!!

Goddamn if you and Earl are not on at the exact same time again. You two need to cover your tracks better. Or did you just both wake up in the same hotel room, and thought you'd try for a second round by posting bullshit on the internet.
Correct. Taylor Swift, Cassidy Hutchinson, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney, and on and on and on. Trump has painted a target on every one of them. Now he's painting a target on everyday citizens, myself included. He is a narcissist with no regard for anyone else other than himself. He is beneath contempt. How anyone can in good conscience support him is beyond me. He is simply an awful human being. And a moron to boot.

Oh, by the way, Earl says fuck you. He is such a child. You might have missed yesterday when he went back and corrected a typo after my throwaway line about HIS spelling. And then he lied about it, claiming apparently that I had altered HIS post when I replied. It's just such a babyish thing to do. Get caught with your hand in the cookie jar and blame mom.
And the MAGAS don't listen to Trump when he has said he will go on a revenge tour and go after his political opponents .
That is what a dictator does NOT a US President.
Have a nice day
Same number of times as Trump. Ouchie, my ear hurts!!!

Goddamn if you and Earl are not on at the exact same time again. You two need to cover your tracks better. Or did you just both wake up in the same hotel room, and thought you'd try for a second round by posting bullshit on the internet.
So when was Obama shot or are you spouting debunked conspiracy theories again. And aren't you supposed to be delivering pancakes for Uber Eats right now?

BTW : You and I are on at the exact same time too.

Same number of times as Trump. Ouchie, my ear hurts!!!

Goddamn if you and Earl are not on at the exact same time again. You two need to cover your tracks better. Or did you just both wake up in the same hotel room, and thought you'd try for a second round by posting bullshit on the internet.
EL is a bit more moderate than I, Concarty.

It is an honor to be compared with him though.

Have you worked on your letter spacing and punctuation, as I directed you to do?

That was an interrogatory, Concarty.

Do try to control yourself with your profanity, Concarty.

It elicits evidence that you were raised in a barn…Concarty.

Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing​

Did he mention getting spanked with a rolled-up porno mag ?
EL is a bit more moderate than I, Concarty.

It is an honor to be compared with him though.

Have you worked on your letter spacing and punctuation, as I directed you to do?

That was an interrogatory, Concarty.

No 'he' isn't. You don't direct me. I am your intellectual superior. And you are a pompous ass. Frat boy turned country club slimebag, living off daddy's money and daddy's reputation. Hell, you probably wouldn't have gotten into Georgia Junior Tech college without a legacy appointment. And you were sure as hell not on the debate team, unless daddy paid to have you given a spot.

So yesterday's word of the day was 'matriculate' (which means enroll, dimwit), and today's was interrogatory, which is not just any question, but a formal, legal question. So the fact you sort of, kind of know what they mean does not mean that you've used them correctly. And indeed you have not. What's tomorrow's word? Hopefully it's 'pompous'.
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Correct. Taylor Swift, Cassidy Hutchinson, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney, and on and on and on. Trump has painted a target on every one of them. Now he's painting a target on everyday citizens, myself included. He is a narcissist with no regard for anyone else other than himself. He is beneath contempt. How anyone can in good conscience support him is beyond me. He is simply an awful human being. And a moron to boot.

His followers have as little integrity, patriotism, honor, and ethics as #TRE45ON does.
Oh, by the way, Earl says fuck you. He is such a child. You might have missed yesterday when he went back and corrected a typo after my throwaway line about HIS spelling. And then he lied about it, claiming apparently that I had altered HIS post when I replied. It's just such a babyish thing to do. Get caught with your hand in the cookie jar and blame mom.
Typical MAGAT, incapable of taking any responsiblity for his own fuck ups. It's always someone else's fault!
And the MAGAS don't listen to Trump when he has said he will go on a revenge tour and go after his political opponents .
That is what a dictator does NOT a US President.
Have a nice day
No 'he' isn't. You don't direct me. I am your intellectual superior. And you are a pompous ass. Frat boy turned country club slimebag, living off daddy's money and daddy's reputation. Hell, you probably wouldn't have gotten into Georgia Junior Tech college without a legacy appointment. And you were sure as hell not on the debate team, unless daddy paid to have you given a spot.
“I am your intellectual inferior.”

I corrected it for you, Concarty. No need to thank me. It’s in the interest of truth.

I did miss a few debates…away baseball games.

You appear to be in a melancholy mood this morning.

Does the election slipping away from the far left Democratic Socialist loons have anything to do with it?

When do you begin your Uber Eats route today?

Those were interrogatories, Concarty.
“I am your intellectual inferior.”

I corrected it for you, Concarty. No need to thank me. It’s in the interest of truth.

I did miss a few debates…away baseball games.

You appear to be in a melancholy mood this morning.

Does the election slipping away from the far left Democratic Socialist loons have anything to do with it?

When do you begin your Uber Eats route today?

Those were interrogatories, Concarty.

Those are NOT interrogatories, Earl. They are questions. In attempting to make yourself look smart, you come off as an insufferable asshole. And a fucking moron. Commander McBragg, the Trust Fund Baby. Just sayin'

Slipping away? ROTFMFAO!!! What color is the sky in your world? Pompous ass pink?
Those are NOT interrogatories, Earl. They are questions. In attempting to make yourself look smart, you come off as an insufferable asshole. And a fucking moron. Commander McBragg, the Trust Fund Baby. Just sayin'

Slipping away? ROTFMFAO!!! What color is the sky in your world? Pompous ass pink?

plural noun: interrogatories…written ***questions***which are formally put to one party in a case by another party and which must be answered. (The asterisks are mime).

Conveying the force of a question…um…intellectual inferior indeed, Concarty.
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Wasn't there a group here trying to argue that it wasn't an assassination attempt because the gun was never fired? You can't make these people up... It absolutely was posted here, btw......;)
You really do not understand the difference between an assassination, or planning one. If Trump walked up to him and he did not shoot would he be guilty of an assassination? Planning one is not the same. He fled before he ever saw Donald. The Sec Serv did not see him either. He was in a car driving away when caught.
The courts will not be able to charge him with an assassination.