Trump As Always - It's a Rigged System Unless I Win

I would call them tens of millions of unsolicited, unvetted, unverified, illegal mail in ballots.

No ballots are “solicited”, unvetted and unverified mean the same thing not different things and all mail in ballots are checked aginnst the voter’s registration card which is then marked as having voted. Mail in ballots done legally are legal.

Anything else?
Ballots are not attached to any ID.
We remember when Hillary challenged the legitimacy of Trump's election. Unlike you nitwits falling for Trump, we just didn't buy it.
You DID buy it.
We also remember Hillary conceding on national television. Nor did we ever made assholes of ourselves with 63 failed lawsuits,
What '63 failed lawsuits'???
or assholes plus criminals of ourselves in storming the Capitol building.
You cannot blame Democrat actions on Republicans.
Trump's presidency itself was never seriously challenged,
Blatant lie. Democrats spent the entire term of Trump's administration challenging it.
only his competence in carrying it out. Anyway, keep laughing your ass off. It's something you've learned to do.
Blatant lie. You were challenging the legitimacy of Trump's election for the entire term of the Trump administration. You have been attempting to persecute Trump now going on NINE YEARS, and without success.
The Hildabeast, wouldn’t even speak to her volunteers in the early morning when she lost to Trump. She sent one of her staff.

Something that you can take to the bank, Marty, she will never, never, never be president. For that I thank the best president in my memory, President Donald Trump.

Do you believe he will do a good job when he is elected in November, Marty?
We narrowly missed that bullet.
Marty, can you say "President Trump"... did you see the 30-50 thousand people at the Harlem Trump rally?
It doesn't matter how many people attend a rally. You have to have voters and Trump failed to win the popular vote in 2016 or 2020. It is not easy to lose the popular vote and win the electoral college.
LiarWe remember when Hillary challenged the legitimacy of Trump's election. Unlike you nitwits falling for Trump, we just didn't buy it. We also remember Hillary conceding on national television. Nor did we ever made assholes of ourselves with 63 failed lawsuits, or assholes plus criminals of ourselves in storming the Capitol building. Trump's presidency itself was never seriously challenged, only his competence in carrying it out. Anyway, keep laughing your ass off. It's something you've learned to do.
Liar. Democrats challenged it in Congress and Hillary took it to court. That is pretty serious.