Trump assassination attempt details

Map of the area

The replacement of Trump with a synthetic body double was a success. The trap door opened under the pile of Secret Service agents and the switcheroo happened quickly. The last piece of the puzzle was Trump's shoes, and only after a brief scramble, they were handed to the double, completing the look.
The replacement of Trump with a synthetic body double was a success. The trap door opened under the pile of Secret Service agents and the switcheroo happened quickly. The last piece of the puzzle was Trump's shoes, and only after a brief scramble, they were handed to the double, completing the look.
Quite possibly true. I like the new calmer Trump. Save to assume you feel the same?
The replacement of Trump with a synthetic body double was a success. The trap door opened under the pile of Secret Service agents and the switcheroo happened quickly. The last piece of the puzzle was Trump's shoes, and only after a brief scramble, they were handed to the double, completing the look.
fuck off

Trump is a private citizen his Dr report is none of your goddamn commie business

Lets see Bidens Dr report stating he has Covid...or he does not have it
You mad, bro?

trump was just nominated for president. He already has covid brain and we want to know about any further damage. Why won't he release the results of what he called a piercing? Probably because he was really, really lucky and the bullet caused even less damage than he'll admit to.