Trump assassination attempt details

They said a teleprompter.

Widely shared social media posts showed a doctored photo of a shattered teleprompter in support of a theory that it was flying glass that injured the former president, not a bullet.

But, when playing verified footage of the assassination attempt, Scripps News could clearly see the two teleprompters still intact following the gunfire.

Are u still going to spew the teleprompter lie?
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Always the hypocrite
In fact, presidential physicals have been provided to the public for a long time. It is like the finances of a candidate They are released to provide information so voters can fold the info into the rating of the candidate. I know Trump hid them in the same vault as his grades in school.
Trump is always a hypocrite demanding what he will not supply. He is always the exception. When he was in office, he appointed a head of the IRS who would not do his and Pence's taxes. They routinely do the prez and VPs taxes. Trump stopped that too.
Trump should have a doctor tell us about his ear and his shoes. We have a right to know.
In fact, presidential physicals have been provided to the public for a long time. It is like the finances of a candidate They are released to provide information so voters can fold the info into the rating of the candidate. I know Trump hid them in the same vault as his grades in school.
Trump is always a hypocrite demanding what he will not supply. He is always the exception. When he was in office, he appointed a head of the IRS who would not do his and Pence's taxes. They routinely do the prez and VPs taxes. Trump stopped that too.
Trump should have a doctor tell us about his ear and his shoes. We have a right to know.

White House releases results of Trump's annual physical, says 'president remains healthy'​


Widely shared social media posts showed a doctored photo of a shattered teleprompter in support of a theory that it was flying glass that injured the former president, not a bullet.

But, when playing verified footage of the assassination attempt, Scripps News could clearly see the two teleprompters still intact following the gunfire.

Are u still going to spew the teleprompter lie?
Yes, because others were also hit by shrapnel. They were police officers.
he has been a private citizen last 4 yrs...he doesn't have to release a fucking thing just like u don't have to

i cant seem to find anything that says a private citizen has to release anything!
Well guess what... a PRESIDENT doesn't have to release anything either. So maybe you magas can lay off Biden already.

"However, there is “absolutely no requirement” for presidents to have annual health exams or release the results to the public, said Jacob Appel, a physician and professor at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York who has researched the medical histories of U.S. presidents."

"A wild conspiracy theory concerning the mystery woman who acted strangely behind Donald Trump during the shooting has been condemned. Her unusually nonchalant reaction, including pulling out her phone without flinching as shots were fired at the Pennsylvania rally last week, raised suspicions. The footage of the incident has led to widespread speculation.

An absurd conspiracy theory has surfaced, which suggests that the woman who was seen behind Donald Trump during the shooting was FBI Assistant Director Janeen DiGuiseppi, and that she was directing the sniper who nearly killed Trump. The theory also alleged that this woman, supposedly DiGuiseppi, gave a signal before the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, began shooting.

However, both conservatives and liberals have since denounced the theory. "If you believe the assistant director of the FBI was sitting front row at a Trump rally to 'give instructions' to the shooter, you are an absolute moron. Like, next-level stupid," a Red State journalist known only as Bonchie wrote on X."



“Four of them, as we exclusively reported Sunday afternoon, were hit by shrapnel when a gunman opened fire at the rally, killing one man, and wounding Trump and several others.

The Pittsburgh motorcycle officers suffered only minor injuries and were treated at the scene.

One later went to the hospital.”



”That is the assessment of Michael Harrigan, a retired F.B.I. special agent who spent 22 years in the bureau.

“It absolutely could be showing the displacement of air due to a projectile,” Mr. Harrigan said in an interview on Saturday night after reviewing the high-resolution images that Mr. Mills filed from the rally. “The angle seems a bit low to have passed through his ear, but not impossible if the gunman fired multiple rounds.”
That the advance team did not remotely do their job, which is normally a month or two before the event....indicates to me that this Regime hit was planned as early as that....due to the date of course....right before the Convention.