Trump calls for Supreme Court to reconsider flag burning laws amid protests

So you agree that what Trump is trying to do is unconstitutional?

Well, it was the law of the land in 48 states until 1989.

But as much as I despise those who burn our flag, especially American citizens, the SCOTUS ruled it's constitutional (although many of us don't know what it has to do with free speech).
No, he (or she) wouldn't.

Oh yes they would. In fact, I have talked with several Vietnam Vets (one was a Purple Heart recipient) who ALL say the same thing. That they fought to preserve rights and freedoms, not have them become partisan political "footballs".
Why does it matter what it has to do with free speech?

If people fly American flags proudly in an anti-American country, what would happen?

Way too much logic for a trumpanzee to try and process in one thread.
RB's position will be whatever tRump, Rush and Coulter say it is.
President Donald Trump said Monday that he'd support laws criminalizing flag burning, saying in a call with governors that it's time for the Supreme Court to take up the issue again as nationwide protests have intensified over the death of George Floyd.

Trump's comments follow nearly a week of protests across the country that at times have turned violent over the death of Floyd, a 46-year-old African American man who died at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis. During the protests in some cities, people have vandalized buildings and looters have ransacked businesses. In Atlanta, protesters burned an American flag in front of CNN headquarters and photographers have captured images of flag burnings in Los Angeles and Washington state in recent days.


I guess Trump wants to be like Kim Long Dong. :palm:

This isn't what our soldiers fought for.
Dear Leader Kim Jong Trump trying to flex his fascist muscles.
Dear Leader Kim Jong Trump trying good flex his fascist muscles.

It was against the law in 48 states to desecrate the American flag until 1989 when a punk kid from some communist group had the SCOTUS rule on it.

But yeah, that's the least of our worries at the moment.
It was against the law in 48 states to desecrate the American flag until 1989 when a punk kid from some communist group had the SCOTUS rule on it.

But yeah, that's the least of our worries at the moment.
Indeed...keep in mind, "their "concern" is never for the flag...or the church...or the virus...or this country in general...or for George Floyd...It's simply personal frustration combined with hate for the president...this seems to be the only place they have to vent....
Indeed...keep in mind, "their "concern" is never for the flag...or the church...or the virus...or this country in general...or for George Floyd...It's simply personal frustration combined with hate for the president...this seems to be the only place they have to vent....
Ignorance on steroids.
I see you can't refute what I posted, but it's great we all have a right to express our opinions, isn't it?....;)...have a good day.... stay in, stay safe....:)
There’s nothing to refute, it’s your personal opinions which are based on racism, ignorance and stupidity.
Riots and a pandemic going on, and this is what he's concerned about.

He's desperate for red meat for the base.

Reichtards have always been far more interested in protecting symbols than in protecting actual American values or things on American soil -- like our environment and people.
Indeed...keep in mind, "their "concern" is never for the flag...or the church...or the virus...or this country in general...or for George Floyd...It's simply personal frustration combined with hate for the president...this seems to be the only place they have to vent....

And you know this how?
Scalia? Refresh my memory, but wasn't he an (R) appointee and considered solidly conservative?

(In this sense "conservative" does NOT equal far-rightwing or alt-right.)

Scalia was a bit of a wild card, but he was widely considered to be very conservative and very much an originalist. He had far more integrity in his little finger than Clarence Thomas has in his entire body. His best friend on the court was Ginsburg, which I think speaks volumes. There is nothing more fun than quoting Scalia on 2nd Amendment rights and watching the right wing nutters explode.
Tell that to a WWII veteran.

Why do you think that WWII veterans went to war? Hint: It wasn't so you weak descendants could call a man kneeling in protest at a football game a "traitor." It wasn't so people could stay home and not vote. It wasn't so the IMPOTUS could have protesters tear-gassed so he could go outside for a photo op to show how "strong" he is. And it wasn't to silence the voices of those who don't agree with what is going on.