Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello Celticguy,
And if they are not disease ridden before they get here, we'll stick 'em in concentration camps to help that along a little.
Help me understand the Trump dictate, here.
So we are OK with the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free; - as long as they can pay an initiation fee, apply legally, survive gang violence that we created for them while they wait, and if so, then and only then, contribute to our GDP and bump up Wall Street investments of the rich.
We just don't want the wretched refuse from teeming shores of S-hole countries. Is that it?
Unskilled, disease ridden parasitic illegals.
And if they are not disease ridden before they get here, we'll stick 'em in concentration camps to help that along a little.
Help me understand the Trump dictate, here.
So we are OK with the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free; - as long as they can pay an initiation fee, apply legally, survive gang violence that we created for them while they wait, and if so, then and only then, contribute to our GDP and bump up Wall Street investments of the rich.
We just don't want the wretched refuse from teeming shores of S-hole countries. Is that it?