Trump Child Separation Republicans Can Forget Ever Campaigning On Family Values Again

Hello Celticguy,

Unskilled, disease ridden parasitic illegals.

And if they are not disease ridden before they get here, we'll stick 'em in concentration camps to help that along a little.

Help me understand the Trump dictate, here.

So we are OK with the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free; - as long as they can pay an initiation fee, apply legally, survive gang violence that we created for them while they wait, and if so, then and only then, contribute to our GDP and bump up Wall Street investments of the rich.

We just don't want the wretched refuse from teeming shores of S-hole countries. Is that it?

this assholes Irish forefathers were called the same (if it were a real human)

This is not a real person

Actually my Irish ancestors were indentured servants and came to this country when it was English. The english and Scots came well prior to 1776 as well.
And all of them came legally.
Hello Celticguy,

And if they are not disease ridden before they get here, we'll stick 'em in concentration camps to help that along a little.

Help me understand the Trump dictate, here.

So we are OK with the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free; - as long as they can pay an initiation fee, apply legally, survive gang violence that we created for them while they wait, and if so, then and only then, contribute to our GDP and bump up Wall Street investments of the rich.

We just don't want the wretched refuse from teeming shores of S-hole countries. Is that it?

We want those who are willing to come here legally.

These illegals brought the disease with them. Congress wont appropriate funds to accomodate them so they are left to stew in their own juices.
We want those who are willing to come here legally.

These illegals brought the disease with them. Congress wont appropriate funds to accomodate them so they are left to stew in their own juices.


we don't do what sociopaths want done

fuck you and the orange toad stool you rode in on
Actually my Irish ancestors were indentured servants and came to this country when it was English. The english and Scots came well prior to 1776 as well.
And all of them came legally.

no one asking for asylum is illegal you fucking lying turd stain

Hello Celticguy,

Its been all over the news, even the MSM.
Where did the measles come from ?
Mumps ?
Bubonic plague ?
Bedbugs ?

I'm sure you like the information they generate, as it is intended to further a viewpoint which is the same as yours.

"The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit think tank analyzing immigration policy in the United States.[3][4] It favors lower immigration numbers, and produces research to further those views.[5][6][7][8]"

Hello Celticguy,

I'm sure you like the information they generate, as it is intended to further a viewpoint which is the same as yours.

"The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit think tank analyzing immigration policy in the United States.[3][4] It favors lower immigration numbers, and produces research to further those views.[5][6][7][8]"


When diseases that were eliminated in this country years ago reappear they come from places where it was not. No spin, just simple deduction.
Hello Celticguy,

Refusing to fund processing these criminals causes this condition.

Hey, nice comeback. Blame what Trump and our drug policy caused on the Democrats who offered humanitarian funding during the wall debate, but were turned down by the president.

At least it gives you some kind of rationalization for this NOT GREAT American tragedy of our own making.
Hello Celticguy,

Hey, nice comeback. Blame what Trump and our drug policy caused on the Democrats who offered humanitarian funding during the wall debate, but were turned down by the president.

At least it gives you some kind of rationalization for this NOT GREAT American tragedy of our own making.

Oh ok, you admit they were engaging in political theater thats good. Did they write and pass legislation to fund processing of these people ?
Oh ok, you admit they were engaging in political theater thats good. Did they write and pass legislation to fund processing of these people ?
Trump has lots of discretionary funds. he had the power to do right, but he really does not care about the kids. There are millions of Americans who would have been happy to help and would have sent toiletries, food, and clothes. Trump prohibited it. there are plenty of doctors and nurses who would volunteer to help. Instead, Trump moves them around and stops the press and politicians from seeing what is going on. This is not the Dems problem. Trump is using kids as political pawns.