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Common sense. Why go to court when your objective was to get in free and clear?
Were you born an idiot or have you just worked hard all your life to become one?
Common sense. Why go to court when your objective was to get in free and clear?
Were you born an idiot or have you just worked hard all your life to become one?
Common sense. Why go to court when your objective was to get in free and clear?
Of course it is a lie, here are the facts:
How about a reliable, non-biased source?
Discredited claim.
Since 100% of them come in or stay here illegally, 0% follow the rules.
Nobody said that you stupid Fuck
They all show up to court?
You really cannot read? Who said all but you?
This message is hidden because katzgar is willfully ignorant.
Of course it is a lie, here are the facts:
Try reading the story!
try reading my link......
How about a reliable, non-biased source?
Discredited claim.
Since 100% of them come in or stay here illegally, 0% follow the rules.
Your numbers are no better than mine.
lol.....everything about me is better than yours.....besides......my numbers come from the US Dept of Justice and my article explains exactly how your article comes up with its falsified numbers.......
If we go back to the premise of the story, TRUMP LIED again and again
Try reading the story!