tRump deserves to go to hell, and along with the entire repuke atrocity on humanity.

Trump is the last atheist president in a long time. He just uses the Christians because they are groomed to take orders from hypocritical leaders. They are told what to believe and do.
If anyone deserves to go to hell, it is Trump and his cronies?!!


Is this you at night?

...and now for some more mindless cut and paste...
You are a gutter trolling miscreant. Therefore, consider the following reasons and facts:

January 20 marks one year since President Joe Biden took office: It’s time to take stock of the historic economic boom under his leadership.
Depression isn't an economic boom.
Though the United States faces serious economic challenges amid the ongoing global pandemic,
Caused by Democrats.
2021 was an extraordinary year of economic growth and recovery.
Depression isn't recovery.
The country saw record job gains and an unprecedented drop in unemployment.
Depression isn't job gains.
The economy likely grew faster than in any year since 1984, as measured by real gross domestic product (GDP).
Inflation isn't profit.
In 2021, the economy not only regained all pandemic-related GDP losses—it also surpassed pre-pandemic levels.
No, it hasn't.
Despite elevated inflation, Americans’ disposable incomes were higher in 2021 in real (inflation-adjusted) terms than they were in 2019 and 2020.
No, they aren't.
Additionally, by many important measures such as savings and bank balances, Americans are more financially secure.
No, they aren't. Many have lost their businesses, their homes, and their livelihood because of Biden and Democrats.
The United States also made dramatic progress in lowering its exceptionally high rate of child poverty.
No. It increased.
None of this was inevitable. Rather, it was the result of bold policies that bolstered the recovery and provided direct aid to households, most importantly the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the COVID-19 vaccine program.
Communism doesn't work. Paradox V.
Much of this aid was disbursed to families hit hardest by the devastating economic impact of the pandemic: the unemployed, the poor, and families struggling with the high costs of raising children.
Communism isn't aid. You are now locked in paradox. You can't argue the economy is great and the economy is terrible at the same time. It's irrational.
Bold federal action helped families make ends meet through additional stimulus checks; expanded unemployment insurance benefits; expanded monthly child tax credit payments; and other policies. These policies addressed weaknesses in the social safety net that became more acute during the pandemic but existed well beforehand. And many of these interventions were temporary. Much work remains to not only ensure a strong recovery but also to extend progress beyond the pre-pandemic status quo toward an economy that works for all.
Back to argument 1. Paradox.
While the challenges are urgent and real, the fact is that, by so many key measures, the economy today is booming.
Back to argument 2. Paradox.
This Biden Boom has been particularly strong for workers—who have access to better-paying jobs—and are seeing their wages growing after decades of seeing economic benefits accrue to the wealthy and corporations.
What better paying jobs. What growing wages? Inflation is not profit, dude.
More jobs were added, and unemployment fell faster than ever before
Back to argument 1. Paradox.
The U.S. economy has added jobs in record numbers since President Biden took office, gaining an average of 565,000 per month, and 6.2 million in total from January 2021 through December 2021. (see Figure 1)"
...deleted propaganda URL...

Biden didn't create them.
The guy who bans books and is against interracial and gay marriage is accusing someone else of totalitarianism?


Trump isn't banning any books. Marriage is between a man and a woman. This institution is best for children they produce.

Two men living together cannot have a child.
Two women living together cannot have a child.
Someone that destroyed their reproductive capability to 'change sex' cannot have a child.
...and now for some more mindless cut and paste...

Depression isn't an economic boom.

Caused by Democrats.

Depression isn't recovery.

Depression isn't job gains.

Inflation isn't profit.

No, it hasn't.

No, they aren't.

No, they aren't. Many have lost their businesses, their homes, and their livelihood because of Biden and Democrats.

No. It increased.

Communism doesn't work. Paradox V.

Communism isn't aid. You are now locked in paradox. You can't argue the economy is great and the economy is terrible at the same time. It's irrational.

Back to argument 1. Paradox.

Back to argument 2. Paradox.

What better paying jobs. What growing wages? Inflation is not profit, dude.

Back to argument 1. Paradox.

Biden didn't create them.

This has to be one of the most inane posts ever for even this forum, instant classic

One always know when "birdman" is done when he has to resort to breaking everything down into phrases, or "cut and pastes," as he puts it, the irony, is like the towel hitting the canvas, the fat lady singing, and his incorporating his Google list of paradoxes/fallacies in it makes it even more priceless
This has to be one of the most inane posts ever for even this forum, instant classic
They are YOUR fallacies, dumbass. YOU made them. Only YOU can correct this behavior.
One always know when "birdman" is done when he has to resort to breaking everything down into phrases, or "cut and pastes," as he puts it, the irony, is like the towel hitting the canvas, the fat lady singing, and his incorporating his Google list of paradoxes/fallacies in it makes it even more priceless
Denial of logic. Attempt to justify paradox.