Trump doesn't need to debate the DEI pick

was Biden racist when he said this

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," . "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Yes or No
I don't agree with the comment and can be seen as racist. Why are you bringing up Biden? To cover your racism with his? LOL the guy is out of the race. Do better
She won ZERO primary's

First ever Pres candidate without WINNING one vote in the primary's

She was appointed
that is my point.

Trump might as well debate Kennedy. the Democratic party proved to be a sham party anyway. I would make that be a focus of my campaign.
Tulsi Gabbertt annihilated Harris in a primary debate.
Trump annihilated himself that year in a debate with Biden. Equally irrelevant. What’s telling is the fury in Trumpworld right now at having Harris to run against.

What’s the problem if she’s a pushover?
Ck the battleground states...thats where this will be won
YES more then likely it will be decided in the Midwest battleground states and that is why I say the Dems should go with Sen. Lt Col Tammy Duckworth for either President or VP ,
Sen, Lt Col. Duckworth has a great voting record in both the House and the Senate.
She has done and is doing a lot of good work for women and our Vets.
She is a disabled vet who was shot down by an RPG in the Iraq war.
she wasn't sitting behind a desk writing stories like Vance was, She was actually out fighting the war.
being the two term Senator from ILL. she would take away any advantage the Republicans think they got with Vance and could swing a lot of those battleground states for the Dems.
and blow Trump and Vance out of the water.
have a nice day