Trump fired by his own accountant

Port Tack

Verified User
This should cause another few hundred thousand to say they won't vote for the orange asshole again. It's something that if it were about Biden they would be screaming "what a criminal" but since it is about their Fuhrer they will say "Oh that's nothing".

‘Calamitous’: Legal Experts Mock Trump After Accounting Firm Fires Him and Says a Decade of Filings Can’t Be Trusted
Donald Trump’s longtime account firm effectively fired the former president, and retracted a decade’s worth of financial filings, saying it could no longer stand by the statements it created, which were based on information Trump had provided to them.

'Good luck refinancing your debt': Trump biographer taunts former president over Mazars debacle
Former President Donald Trump's company got dumped by accounting firm Mazars USA on Monday, and even went so far as to say that statements about Trump's financial condition ranging from the years 2011 through 2020 "should no longer be relied upon."

Accounting Firm's Move Is Worse For Trump Than Being Impeached Twice

I sure hope he runs again because he still just might get enough republicans to nominate him but he will get crushed like a bug in a general election.
This should cause another few hundred thousand to say they won't vote for the orange asshole again. It's something that if it were about Biden they would be screaming "what a criminal" but since it is about their Fuhrer they will say "Oh that's nothing".

I sure hope he runs again because he still just might get enough republicans to nominate him but he will get crushed like a bug in a general election.

How does a firm Trump hired fire him? This story is moronic and filled with bullshit. Its target market are for idiots which you fill nicely. :palm:
They said why they quit. They could no longer stand by the jacked up values supplied them by Trump, though they put it mildly.

I am amused by the moronic narrative that real estate assets aren't adjusted based on estimates of their values.

It's almost as stupid as the claim that one can jack up asset values to dupe large banks into giving them loans based on faked values.
I am amused by the moronic narrative that real estate assets aren't adjusted based on estimates of their values.

It's almost as stupid as the claim that one can jack up asset values to dupe large banks into giving them loans based on faked values.

Not when they are adjusted down to cheat on your taxes and then inflated to report your assets.
Check the news asshole, there are 50-100 reports from credible news sources today alone.

Yo, shit-for-brains, how does an accounting firm fire someone that doesn't work for them? THINK dimwit, THINK. :palm:

It's equally stupid to believe that the moron AG in NY is going to get Trumps company on a charge of jacking up their RE values. But alas, you morons have been falling for this stupid shit for five years now and it doesn't seem like you'll ever get a clue that you're a dupe.
you're a freaking dope

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.