Trump fleeing to Scotland before Biden inauguration

Most likely she will be getting rid of him as quickly as she can.

I have no doubt she'll do what is best for her....which might include staying married to Trump while banging all of her bodyguards and spending Trump's ill-gotten gains.
I doubt if she would live in the Trump Tower in NYC if they do get divorced.

Who knows? She might be owning Trump Tower before all of this is over. Married people can't be forced to testify against each other. No one is pardoning Melania since she didn't do anything. Both are very transactional people with mercenary hearts. Is there any doubt her silence can be bought?
The building also contains the three-story penthouse apartment that was Donald Trump's primary residence until he moved to the White House. The value of the tower was estimated at $450 million in 2017. Trump took out a $100 million mortgage on the building in 2012.

Trump World Tower, 845 United Nations Plaza, also in Midtown Manhattan: In 2006, Forbes magazine estimated "$290 million in profits and unrealized appreciation" going to Trump.
Who knows? She might be owning Trump Tower before all of this is over. Married people can't be forced to testify against each other. No one is pardoning Melania since she didn't do anything. Both are very transactional people with mercenary hearts. Is there any doubt her silence can be bought?

I don't doubt that a bit. After all, the prior Mrs. Trumps' silence was also purchased. We'll see if #LOSER45 has enough cash on hand to buy her out.
I don't doubt that a bit. After all, the prior Mrs. Trumps' silence was also purchased. We'll see if #LOSER45 has enough cash on hand to buy her out.

I'm sure he will. In fact, he might want a deal where he "gives" her half of his fortune with a signed agreement she "pays" a set amount every month for living expenses in a scheme where Trump has no income. Ergo, no one can sue Trump for money because he has none.

The law is funny when it comes to rich people. I don't understand all the ins and outs, just the results. You know, like with Hillary.
he is fleeing the prosecution which will surely come quickly. Or possibly the man is just to embarrassed to remain in the US while Mr. Biden is inaugurated.

Being outside the US for the inauguration is a possibility. It would be pure Trump to try to upstage Biden with Trumpian bullshit such as launching Trump TV.

That said, Trump will probably spend the rest of his life living in Mar-a-Lago. It would explain one reason why he so strongly disliked Melania's renovations there; because he'd have to look at it for the next 10-15 years.
I'm sure he will. In fact, he might want a deal where he "gives" her half of his fortune with a signed agreement she "pays" a set amount every month for living expenses in a scheme where Trump has no income. Ergo, no one can sue Trump for money because he has none.

The law is funny when it comes to rich people. I don't understand all the ins and outs, just the results. You know, like with Hillary.

It seems that the only two sets of people in the world who are judgment-proof are the very wealthy, and the very poor.
Being outside the US for the inauguration is a possibility. It would be pure Trump to try to upstage Biden with Trumpian bullshit such as launching Trump TV.

That said, Trump will probably spend the rest of his life living in Mar-a-Lago. It would explain one reason why he so strongly disliked Melania's renovations there; because he'd have to look at it for the next 10-15 years.

He has a contract with the local county that does not allow him to live in Mar-a-Lago on a permanent basis.
He has a contract with the local county that does not allow him to live in Mar-a-Lago on a permanent basis.

Like Trump never said "Fuck you, I'll see you in court". :)

He might spend a couple weeks a year, depending on the season, "living" at his resorts around the world. Therefore, he's not permanently in Mar-a-Lago.
Like Trump never said "Fuck you, I'll see you in court". :)

He might spend a couple weeks a year, depending on the season, "living" at his resorts around the world. Therefore, he's not permanently in Mar-a-Lago.

You seem to think he will be on a permanent vacation after leaving office. In actuality he has a slew of legal problems awaiting him, the very least of which will be Mar a Lago. The State of NY, among others cant wait for the day he leaves office.
He has a contract with the local county that does not allow him to live in Mar-a-Lago on a permanent basis.

True. Yet he uses it as his residence for voting purposes. What's up with that?

I think he'll set up camp there and hold a court-in-exile, as he battles the law and tries to avoid prison.
After January 20th 12:00 noon, Donald Trump and two of his sons will become Flight Risks and their Visas may be denied.

Donald Trump is facing certain indictments by the Southern District Of New York for Tax Fraud/Tax Evasion. The SDNY will act quickly to serve him.

So, there is no telling what the official Donald Trump Legal strategy will be to circumvent being served.

I am sure leaving the country before he can be served is being evaluated as one of those strategies.

But, surely Trump cannot think that Scotland or anywhere else in the UK will protect him from extradition! Donald Trump is not wanted anywhere in the UK. And no other US allied nation would prevent certain extradition either.

Donald Trump can run- BUT HE CAN NO LONGER HIDE!

His only chance of circumventing certain extradition would be in MOTHER RUSSIA.
You seem to think he will be on a permanent vacation after leaving office. In actuality he has a slew of legal problems awaiting him, the very least of which will be Mar a Lago. The State of NY, among others cant wait for the day he leaves office.

Yes. Not disagreeing with you. My point is that $100M buys a lot of fucking lawyers.