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I don't like Mulvaney.. He's stupid and shallow........
You may be wrong, trump told us he was only going to hire the best people.
I don't like Mulvaney.. He's stupid and shallow........
I'm sorry, but I don't see Mulvaney as an improvement over Lurch, I mean, Kelly!
Mulvaney can't run a crew! Trump wants to run the crew anyway, and now Mulvaney will only be a yes man!
So basically, we went from Lurch to Barney Fife here!
That won't keep Donald out of trouble!
At least Lurch tried to keep the president out of trouble by making Donald Trump think about the consequences of his actions. But what could he do, when the president just wants to be the Jerry Jones and dictate all the decisions for the team- coaches input not welcome.
I don't know why anybody would want to work for Trump in his White House considering the total wall to wall, 24-7-365 leftist negative media blitz aimed at him, his family and his administration. I don't know why anybody would want to be President under such conditions especially a multi-billionaire with several golf courses and the most beautiful wife that ever served in the White House. If I were Trump I'd tell my every detractor to "SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS" and I'd head for the golf course and the fishing rod.
Kelly will be like a bat-out-of-hell escaping the White House COS job!
And he'll end up like Hillary, happily retiring from public service, sitting on the couch, sipping a glass of wine, writing books and saying, "Oh! What a relief it is"!
And you gotta trust me on this, Mulvaney will not even come close to filling the void Kelly leaves behind.
The Trump Train just lost it's only engineer! It's just a runaway train now, as there are no more adults left in the Oval Office!
But a lot of folks believe Christie is actually a coward and bullshitter.
Exactly. There are too many Obama holdovers still in government positions who will leak info if they think it's damaging to Trump.
Exactly. There are too many Obama holdovers still in government positions who will leak info if they think it's damaging to Trump.
Just read his fucking tweets. Hillary had a server that rightys claim was not protected enough, yet you are silent on Daffy doing business on his phone. You guys have no shame.