Trump is a coward, no matter what he does he will lose.
You're a moron no matter what you do, you'll always be one.
Trump is a coward, no matter what he does he will lose.
Does anyone still read Robo's goofy and desperate threads and respond to them?
Here I am, feeling guilty by even responding, sort of like parking in a Handicapped Parking Space when I know I certainly don't belong here!
I certainly never intend to humor or entertain stupidity!
Something must be said about "Feeding The Trolls" and perhaps if we don't feed the trolls- they will dry up and blow away!
... and your Dumb Ass Believed that?
Adolf! ADOLF!
You could fuck up a wet dream! LOL!
We don't have to fund the wall. Mexico will pay for it. Of course, a wall GoFundme would be a good idea. Those who want one so badly can pay for it. Then we will see how badly they want it.
No reason to shut the government down. Mexico will pay for the big beutiful wall. Trump promised that. So just take that out of the bill and let's continue on. Americans do not have to spend a penny for it.
No, Mexico is not paying for anything, nothing "saved" goes into the treasury or pays for what has now been downgraded to steel slats. Don simply lied.
A better question would be; does anyone give a flying fuck what you think? You're a certifiable idiot on steroids who does nothing but troll threads with your willful ignorance.
Apparently over 2/3rds the country has the same feelings about what I think as I do! If that's trolling, then I am proud to troll along with all the others.
You don't get to certify anyone as an idiot, as you are such an idiot yourself, you don't even realize your own idiocy!
No they don't. That is a delusional lie that morons like you wallow in snowflake. Your irrational hatred of the man constitutes a minority of morons who don't want to accept the result of an election, and stupidly think that engaging in demagogueing opponents and dehumanizing them, you can promote your failed ideology built on lies.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Irony coming from a brain dead loon who thinks election results can be changed by ranting, lying and attacking the 55 million Americans who voted for Trump.
You epitomize the delusional lunacy that defines Liberals these days snowflake.
I don't hate anything but hate itself.
But when hatred is on the ticket, I'll choose the less hateful path when I vote!
I vote to stamp out evil and hatred where I see it.
We don't have to fund the wall. Mexico will pay for it. Of course, a wall GoFundme would be a good idea. Those who want one so badly can pay for it. Then we will see how badly they want it.
Gofundme now more than $12 million ..
Only 4.9 billion more to go. But that seems right. If you people are dumb enough to want a wall, then pay for it.
But you do not need a GoFund me. The Mexicans are paying for the wall. Don't you believe Trump?
We WILL get it done ! Keeping Mexicans OUT will pay for the wall !
Look about you and tell me we are keeping Mexicans out. Seems odd since we took large parts of their ancestral land. We are the invaders.
There was no "take", seeing as how a lot of it was given in defeat or purchased; but you go right ahead and continue to delude yourself.
Look about you and tell me we are keeping Mexicans out. Seems odd since we took large parts of their ancestral land. We are the invaders.