I do not have a lot of respect for Trump supporters.
Because if you support Trump, you support Donald Trump's Lies, Donald Trump's expressed Hatred towards others, you support Donald Trump's Conspiracy Theories, Donald Trump's destruction of our Democratic processes such as Voting rights and fair elections, you support Autocracy, you denounce Democracy, You put Russian interests over the best interests of the United States, you have no respect for the rule of law, you think Donald Trump is above the law, you support Donald Trump's racist views and behaviors, you support the pardoning of criminals and murderers, you support sexual misconduct, you support adultery, you support tax fraud and tax evasion, you support virus spreading events, you do not support the mitigation efforts to control a pandemic out of control, you support using the White House as a backdrop to hold presidential campaign events and parties, you support nepotism, you support Donald Trump's frivolous lawsuits, you support the Supreme Court to decide presidential elections, you support the president's violation of the emolument clause, you support xenophobia, AND YOU ARE A VERY POOR LOSER WHEN YOUR CANDIDATE DOES NOT WIN, AND YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP BEING A SORE LOSER!
The list goes on and on about why I do not respect you, and people like you, Donald Trump, and people who continue to support Donald Trump!