Trump has a 'TRADE' Offer

You are just a sore loser.

Funny, that's what Hitler said to Jews on the way to the camps.

Will you say the same thing about the court currently trying Hunter Biden? No? I didn't think so.

Biden will be released because he is a party member and above the law.

You guys hate the justice system when your bloated crimelord doesn't get his way.

A lynching is the opposite of "justice." The banana republic of new york has made political prisoner Trump a martyr - just like Nelson Mandela under DeKlirk.

It seems you Stalinists just aren't quite sharp enough to grasp the message you've sent to America. Yes, sycophants on MSNBCCP and DNCNN are thrilled, but most of America grasps that if you can do this to Trump, you can do it to anyone.
The point of the lynching was to brand Trump a convicted felon. The Soros team never intended for it to stick.
Bingo. Nailed it. From this comment, I can tell that you clearly understand what lawfare is and how it works.

Lawfare is a construct that is for media consumption with the intent to manipulate public opinion. --- Demonkkkrats, from the very get-go of all of these sham trials, just wanted to have ONE of them end in a successful lynching (which requires a rigged leftist kangaroo court because there's no actual crime present) so that they could then have their media mouthpieces repeatedly parrot the words "convicted felon" all the way up until the (s)election. That way, they can manipulate public opinion into no longer supporting Trump.

Thankfully, more and more people are catching on to this tactic.
Yep, they still don't seem to grasp it.
Indeed. While Demonkkkrats got what they wanted re: the lynching, they are too blinded and short-sighted to see that this lynching is making a martyr out of Trump. His black, latino, and younger support is skyrocketing because of this. Without those votes, Demonkkkrats will need to be even MORE brazen with their election fraud, and will need to turn to all of those illegals that they've allowed to invade this country for the "existence of a person" that they need to "generate a ballot" for purposes of election fraud.
Bingo. Nailed it. From this comment, I can tell that you clearly understand what lawfare is and how it works.

Lawfare is a construct that is for media consumption with the intent to manipulate public opinion. --- Demonkkkrats, from the very get-go of all of these sham trials, just wanted to have ONE of them end in a successful lynching (which requires a rigged leftist kangaroo court because there's no actual crime present) so that they could then have their media mouthpieces repeatedly parrot the words "convicted felon" all the way up until the (s)election. That way, they can manipulate public opinion into no longer supporting Trump.

Thankfully, more and more people are catching on to this tactic.

Indeed. While Demonkkkrats got what they wanted re: the lynching, they are too blinded and short-sighted to see that this lynching is making a martyr out of Trump. His black, latino, and younger support is skyrocketing because of this. Without those votes, Demonkkkrats will need to be even MORE brazen with their election fraud, and will need to turn to all of those illegals that they've allowed to invade this country for the "existence of a person" that they need to "generate a ballot" for purposes of election fraud.
I agree. Those comments were right on point.
The Dems discussed the impact of the Trump trial and subsequent felonies on the election. NY decided to opt for justice. You are not saying something new. What the impact will be, nobody knows. The Republicunts have no idea either.
There is no election fraud. You are as stupid about elections as you are about the Dems.
Trump is a convicted felon. That is a fact. Many people in Trump's circle are convicted felons. They included Trump. Cohen, Bannon, Gates, Flynn, Weisselberg, Stone, Manafort, Nader, and many others.
You are lost.
I agree. Those comments were right on point.
The Dems discussed the impact of the Trump trial and subsequent felonies on the election. NY decided to opt for justice. You are not saying something new. What the impact will be, nobody knows. The Republicunts have no idea either.
There is no election fraud. You are as stupid about elections as you are about the Dems.
Trump is a convicted felon. That is a fact. Many people in Trump's circle are convicted felons. They included Trump. Cohen, Bannon, Gates, Flynn, Weisselberg, Stone, Manafort, Nader, and many others.
You are lost.
ny opted for perversion.
I agree. Those comments were right on point.
Of course they were. I made them. :smile:
The Dems discussed the impact of the Trump trial and subsequent felonies on the election. NY decided to opt for justice. You are not saying something new.
Lynching an innocent man is not justice.
What the impact will be, nobody knows.
Some of the impacts are already being realized, as I described in my prior comment.
The Republicunts have no idea either.
I prefer the term "Republican'ts", but if one were to be vulgar about it, then your term works just fine too.
There is no election fraud.
^^^ Nordy's continued :seenoevil: :hearnoevil: ......
You are as stupid about elections as you are about the Dems.
Trump is a convicted felon.
... as opposed to an "unconvicted felon"? You're being redundant.
That is a fact.
Yup. So?
Many people in Trump's circle are convicted felons.
So? Many of them (including Trump himself) were political prisoners, persecuted for daring to stand against the Uniparty.
They included Trump. Cohen, Bannon, Gates, Flynn, Weisselberg, Stone, Manafort, Nader, and many others.
Yup. See above.
You are lost.
Nah. I'm right here.
they perverted the intention of law and subverted democracy in the process.

they're perverts and subverts.
Absolutely wrong again. He was given all the opportunities in a trial that a rich man gets in America. That is a lot. Trump joins the criminal ranks in his corrupt business and election staff, which are many. It is no surprise that you embrace criminals.
Absolutely wrong again. He was given all the opportunities in a trial that a rich man gets in America. That is a lot. Trump joins the criminal ranks in his corrupt business and election staff, which are many. It is no surprise that you embrace criminals.
you're on the crack rock.
Perversion? Are you certifiable? New York held a trial. Trump lost and is a criminal. officially.

The banana republic lynched a political prisoner. Lynchings are not legitimate trials.

Presiding Cunt Merchan knows that the farce will be overturned, most likely by the NY Appellate courts - if it doesn't go straight to SCOTUS based on the Soros team shitting all over the 14th Amendment.
Absolutely wrong again. He was given all the opportunities in a trial that a rich man gets in America. That is a lot. Trump joins the criminal ranks in his corrupt business and election staff, which are many. It is no surprise that you embrace criminals.
trumps corrupt election