Trump Has Delivered Only Chaos

????....yes......the chaos is in your own head......if you weren't a fucking idiot you would wake up to that fact......what is happening in the streets is people protesting a death in a Demmycrat city in a Demmycrat state........and the riots that some of those have turned into are the result of greed and evil on the part of people that Demmycrat leadership has failed to control.........there is unemployment because governors shut down the economy in response to a Chinese virus and the economy is on lockdown is a handful of states run by Demmycrats.....I can't think if a negative thing that has happened in the last three years that isn't the direct result of stupid people like yourself trying to get rid of Trump......Trump didn't do any of it.........wake the fuck up......

That made sense to you? A guy getting killed by brutal police is because of the Dems. I guess full retardation has finally come your way. Trump completely fucked up Corona. he has done nothing right. Under his leadership, we have over 1/3rd of the cases and deaths on the planet. In what coven does that come out as a success. Trump has also harmed NATO, and relationships with allies. We used to have those. The economy is in mad dive and unemployment soars due to his total fuck up of Corona. In the middle of a pandemic, trump wants to gut WHO. How fucking dumb is that one? If he wants to be a petulant child, he can wait until the pandemic ends. That would be wise, wouldn't it? We had a pact that kept Iran from making nukes. The dumb shit walked out of it with 2 results. Iran is making nukes and nobody will enter in a deal with the US because Trump will unilaterally drop out. Deals mean nothing to the clown. Hows NK going? That seems to be off the table because Trump wrecked that . But he gave Kim the international standing he wanted, for free . It was a thing of value that trump could not understand. He is as dumb as you are. Trump has made the dumb ones among us think the press is the enemy of the people. That is so dangerous and wrong. Trump should have someone read the Constitution to him. Now he is attacking the bedrock of the country, our elections. The righty idiots buy it. Every fucking election has been evaluated. There is almost zero corruption. But I bet you dorks think it is corrupt with ,as usual, not a scrap of evidence. Trump has taken land off the national register and handed it to corporations. He is the first president since Teddy to do that. he has installed corporate heads to run the agencies that overlook their industries. That is corruption on an unheard of scale.
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