tRump has FINALLY led us to #1 in the world!!!!

First of all its scrotum not scrodum you ignorant fucking moron. You're a fucking idiot as evidenced by your support for a demented racist and a running whose sole qualifications are skin color and genitalia. You already have Joe's balls in your mouth fuck face

Given that you are obviously not very bright, it should be apparent that your pathetic attempts at insults are easily equaled if not surpassed.

If you spent more time LEARNING, it might become obvious to you why tRump "plays" morons like yourself and you MIGHT actually become inspired to not be one. Something about tRump causes you to become a worshipping "zealot". You might need to find out why that is.
Hello Tacomaman,

Suckers are expendable.

Just think, proud Trump supporters: If he thinks people who died for their country are 'suckers,' guess how much he cares about protecting those who buy into his schtick?

According to Yakudamutt, he isnt a tRump fan. Yet, he defends tRump while making himself look like a complete embicile in the process.

He talks about the lack of job qualifications of Harris, but what did tRump have?] I cant figure out if trumptards like tRump more for his porn star escapades, or his twisted fantasies about his own daughrer.
Trump has been no. 1 in deaths and cases for a very long time. In essence, he was going to allow it to go through the country like he suggested in the beginning. He just had a to find a way to make it palatable to the people. The rightys were always on board. They never wavered and even when we were wiping out citizens, they did not care. 200,000 deaths and they see success. It is amazing.