Trump Hurt America Badly By Not Conceding

Jack Ciattarelli is the new model politician for the Republican party. It is good people like him that will help his party come back to reality- AND MORALITY.

He didn't win his election, but he won something more important, that money just can't buy- HONOR AND RESPECT!

Stick with it, as it is a little long- BUT THIS IS A CONCESSION FOR THE AGES!

This is how you win- even when you lose!

We told many nations that our system was better. One of our claims was that American presidential losers concede and quit fighting the election. Then peace would be made. Trump fucked that up for all time. You can see what kind of damage it did.
Hello Nordberg,

We told many nations that our system was better. One of our claims was that American presidential losers concede and quit fighting the election. Then peace would be made. Trump fucked that up for all time. You can see what kind of damage it did.

We need to rebuild trust in our government. Republicans have been flirting with disaster by courting this hatred vote. That is pandering to the worst in society, the most deplorable. And I don't care what anybody says. Voting for Trump, or anyone who supports him, is deplorable.

Our government is there for us. It is our organizing authority. And we have the power to shape it into what we want. It's not a matter of liking government or not. We have to have a government. Hating government is dumb.

People have to be pretty far out of touch with reality if they think the news is fake and that government, fellow Americans, or the mainstream media are their enemy. No. Their own incorrect beliefs are their real enemy. The battle is within their own mind. It is between reality and fantasy, and reality is losing.

Now, they don't believe the results of an election that they lose. How is it an election if they 'know' the outcome before it is even held? What kind of election is it if they can only accept one outcome. Ridiculous.

And then they want to cut off the counting before all the mail-in votes are counted. What? And why does that have to wait until election day?

Why does any state need a law preventing the counting of mail-in votes before election day? How would anyone be harmed if those votes were counted as they came in? As is normally done throughout the election evening as they come in from precincts... The only difference there is the length of time during which that occurs.
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Power is power. I don't care about his psychology.

You should. he is not a mature man in control of his childish anger. he can do real damage.
Like that post said. Trump called a writer who wrote a book he did not like today: a third rate writer. A woman who worked in his Whitehouse was on the View. he did not like what she said and called her a lightweight. Trump is a mental child.
You should. he is not a mature man in control of his childish anger. he can do real damage.
Like that post said. Trump called a writer who wrote a book he did not like today: a third rate writer. A woman who worked in his Whitehouse was on the View. he did not like what she said and called her a lightweight. Trump is a mental child.

Trump's psychology is simple. Him wants power. Mouse wants cheese.
Hello Nordberg,

You should. he is not a mature man in control of his childish anger. he can do real damage.
Like that post said. Trump called a writer who wrote a book he did not like today: a third rate writer. A woman who worked in his Whitehouse was on the View. he did not like what she said and called her a lightweight. Trump is a mental child.

He has turned American politics into the Jerry Springer Show.

Got a disagreement with anyone? Call them a dirty name.

Doesn't solve any problems or work out any issues, but it gets him the support of shallow haters.

He plays the victim oh so well. And he brings it all on himself. Like a spoiled child.
Trump Hurt America By Not Conceding.

The Big Lie:

-Got people killed.

-Drove the country further apart.

-Poisoned the Republican Party.

-Caused violence.

-Destroyed lives.

-Got people thrown in prison for years. More to come.

-Cost America money.

-Cost America international image and reputation.

-Is still hurting America.

-Broke down family relationships.

-Is getting deplorable people elected.


America would be far better off if Trump had conceded. America would still benefit from it if Trump would finally do so (but he is sick and he never will.)

The cost of this great sore loser is incalculable.

Trump is the worst thing in America right now.

He is like a giant wrecking ball. Everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of misery, tears and destruction.

No. DEMOCRATS hurt America by election fraud. Inversion fallacies.
Without a doubt, the one feature that made American democracy stand out was the smooth transition between parties with the transition of power, been a stable since the first election, and then along comes the fat boy with the full support of a political party and a major TV network reverse that which made America unique, and for his own personal ends

The United States was never a democracy.
Hello archives,

It really is a shame, a great shame, and a blight on our history. The man is so mentally disturbed and has such a large ego that he cannot accept defeat even though it is clear that he lost.

And he is causing great harm to the nation by perpetuating the lie.

Remember how he argued about the number of votes in 2016? He couldn't accept the fact then that he lost the popular vote. He tried to claim that millions of 'illegals' voted. It never was proven, And he even wasted taxpayer money then by creating his silly 'election commission' to 'investigate' the 'election fraud.'

Here's what really happened:

"The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PEIC or PACEI), also called the Voter Fraud Commission, was a Presidential Commission established by Donald Trump that ran from May 11, 2017 to January 3, 2018.[1][2] The Trump administration said the commission would review claims of voter fraud, improper registration, and voter suppression.[3] The establishment of the commission followed Trump's false claim that millions of illegal immigrants had voted in the 2016 presidential election, costing him the popular vote.[4][5] Vice President Mike Pence was as chair of the commission and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was vice chair and day-to-day administrator.


In November 2017, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, a Democratic member of the commission, said that Kobach was refusing to share working documents and scheduling information with him and the other Democrats on the commission.[149] He filed suit, and in December a federal judge ordered the commission to hand over the documents.[150] Two weeks later, in January 2018, Trump disbanded the commission, and his administration informed Dunlap that it would not obey the court order to provide the documents because the commission no longer existed.[4] On August 3, 2018, Dunlap wrote that the documents available to him did not support claims of widespread voter fraud. He described the investigation as the "most bizarre thing I've ever been a part of....After reading this, I see that it wasn't just a matter of investigating President Trump's claims that three to five million people voted illegally, but the goal of the commission seems to have been to validate those claims." "

-Or attempt to validate them, which of course, could not be done because Trump's claims were false.

And THAT was when he gave up and disbanded the commission. It didn't do what he wanted so he dropped it. But he never stopped claiming that millions of 'illegals' voted for Hillary and that's why she won the popular vote, and he added that if the 'illegal votes' (that he could never prove) were taken out then he would have won the popular vote.


The President is not elected by popular vote. You can't make the evidence disappear by wishing, dude.
He's sick in the mind. He imagines a different reality which is not true, but he imagines how nice it would be if it were true, so he tries to get everybody else to believe it. If he can get enough traction then, as far as he is concerned, it then IS true, just because he 'wished' hard enough for it.

Psychoquackery. Buzzword fallacies. Inversion fallacy.
Before the 2016 election, Trump claimed it was rigged.
It Democrats. It wasn't enough to win though.
Analysis by Laura Bicker, BBC News, Washington
False authority fallacy.
17 October 2016
Donald Trump has claimed for months that the election was rigged - but that message is now at the centre of his campaign just as his poll numbers begin to slump. And in doing so he hits at the very heart of American democracy - the idea that elections are free and fair.

Mr Trump's tactics allow him once more to paint himself as the anti-establishment figure being victimised by the Washington political elite. It also gives him an excuse if he loses.

But where would it leave his supporters? The fear is that the Republican candidate's rhetoric could further divide this country and stoke anger and suspicion among the millions who follow him. If Hillary Clinton is elected, would they accept her presidency as legitimate and if not, what form would those protests take?

It took another 4+ years. Now we know. Trump is the man who can never lose.
Trump didn't lose.
According to one well-known psychiatrist
Trump has no policies or issues because of his mental impairments. He cannot think strategically or abstractly. He can not weigh options, access risks, or foresee consequences.
Concepts like fairness,justice honor and integrity do not register.
He shows it is every press conference or interview. he never has an abstract thought or idea.. Instead he goes for simple adjectives like disgraceful, hiorrible, low intelligence, and fake news. etc
He is driven by negative emotions, often paranoic, insulting, vulgar ar vitriolic.
Trump is a terrible person. He should never have been given the office. he is only thinking of himself.

Psychoquackery. Denial of history. TDS. Insult fallacies. Lies. Trolling. No argument presented.
Hello Nordberg,

I believe you intended 'assess.' Agreed on all points. Trump is the epitome of immature selfishness.

His refusal to accept the results of the election have thrown America into even more embittered polarization exemplified by the vicious attack on our nation's capitol which embodied an all too common sentiment of government hatred.

Trump hurt America badly by refusing to concede, and Reagan hurt America badly by making it OK to hate government.

You are describing Biden, not Trump.