Trump intelligence director admits ‘we don’t’ have a policy on Russian interference i

State department has a 120 million dollar budget to fight Russian interference. So far spent zero. Adm. Rogers says they have no orders from Trump and no sense of urgency. Not hard to understand. Trump and the Repubs got help from Russia and do not want to give that up. The Repubs will collude with our enemies to keep power and create the plutocracy the rightys want so badly. Tired of cheating yet? Every single intelligence agency agrees that Russia interfered and will do it again.
Trump and the Repubs got help from Russia and do not want to give that up.

so be specific......what did the Russians do and how do you stop it........they put ads on Facebook? we ban ads on Facebook?......only ban ads from Russians.......rewrite political ads so they only favor the people you want to elect?.......what is your proposal......
sweet.....buying a new canoe?......

I got one of these already ...

Trump remains silent about Russia for three reasons.

If he were to acknowledge that the Russians interfered with the last Presidential election, in his mind, that would be publicly conceding the fact that his presidential victory was not legitimate. Something he knows is true.
At the same time he is considering the idea that because they did help him once then they probably will help him and the GOP again.
The third reason is that he has crawled so far up Vlad's colon to protect himself from the things Putin knows about his nefarious business deals, that he can no longer see the light of day.
so be specific......what did the Russians do and how do you stop it........they put ads on Facebook? we ban ads on Facebook?......only ban ads from Russians.......rewrite political ads so they only favor the people you want to elect?.......what is your proposal......

So many things to do. Start by upgrading voter machines . Make sure they have a paper trail so we can define the problem. Hire computer hackers to ferret out the Russian trolls and stop them. Elect a president who will put sanctions on Russia. Trump has called it a hoax and refused to do anything about it. That,encourages them to continue. Our elections are controlled by states. The national agencies should educate the locals and show them how to tell Russia is meddling and what to do to stop them.

Yes stop Russia from buying ads. Make all ads show who finances them.

And impeach Trump. he is the one who is doing it.
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you realize the Russians didn't have access to any voting machines, right?....

Who Won the Election? NSA Report Suggests Russia Might Have Hacked Voting System

Russian military intelligence attempted to cyber-attack a U.S. voting software supplier and more than 100 local election officials in the days leading up to the 2016 presidential election, The Intercept reported Monday. While there is no indication that voting machines or the result of the election were tampered with, this is the first report of its type to raise serious questions about whether Russian hackers attempted to breach the voting system.

According to an NSA document acquired by The Intercept, Russian military intelligence cyber-attacked a U.S. voting software supplier, using information gained in that attack to “launch a voter registration-themed spear-phishing campaign targeting U.S. local government organizations.”

The NSA document did not reach a conclusion about whether the interference had any impact on the outcome of the election. “It is unknown,” the NSA notes, “whether the aforementioned spear-phishing deployment successfully compromised the intended victims, and what potential data could have been accessed by the cyber actor.”

The Intercept report comes amid a growing scandal regarding investigations into President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian attempts to influence the result of the election. Although the intelligence community has reached the conclusion that Russia did try to influence the results of the election in Trump’s favor against Hillary Clinton, the president has called the ongoing investigation a “witch hunt.”