Trump intelligence director admits ‘we don’t’ have a policy on Russian interference i

Stay stupid. it is all you have. you are utterly information free. Sadly, unable to learn and follow information when posted for you, since you are unable to hear it in your bunker.

lol dude.....I just proved you wrong using your own link......don't you think its time to apologize for being an idiot?.....
Yes, he said that no American wants Russia to interfere. He was wrong. Trump does. But not a lie. he actually thought that.
Ah, perhaps taking action against Putin for his last meddling might be a start, but what does Putin have to be afraid of, he got away with it once without any penalty

Ban Russian ads. They paid in fucking rubles. it is not like they did not know who was doping the fake news ads.
Trump has done absolutely nothing, so anything will do. How about some punishments directed at the Russians?

What would satisfy you? What kind of punishment you looking for?

The same punishment Teddy Kennedy got for trying to collude with the Soviet Union?
What would satisfy you? What kind of punishment you looking for?

The same punishment Teddy Kennedy got for trying to collude with the Soviet Union?

Something needs to be done to keep Russia from interfering in our elections. Trump has chosen to do nothing, and comrade you completely support him.
that is the point idiot

there is millions of dollars just sitting there that the admin refuses to spend to figure out what to do you stupid fucking traitor to the nation
I say we shut down Twitter and Facebook

You are unaware of it, but the house and senate voted to sanction Russia for their interference. That was over a month ago and the president has sat on it. The senate voted 98 to 2 to do it. Why would Trump refuse to do it?
You are unaware of it, but the house and senate voted to sanction Russia for their interference. That was over a month ago and the president has sat on it. The senate voted 98 to 2 to do it. Why would Trump refuse to do it?

because there were 98 idiots in Senate that day.....
I say we shut down Twitter and Facebook

Actually they are making moves to prevent it happening again. Can you possibly imagine such a thing? As far as Trump. the sanctions were passed by house and senate, and he stopped them from being enacted. But in your world, Trump is right.
Are you really that stupid, or do you just play an idiot on the net? Russia interfered in the last election and will try it again. you can see no reason to stop them? You are playing.

if Russia interfered with the election they obviously weren't very good at much effort do you enter into to block incompetence?.......