Trump Is America’s Abusive Father

Do you agree both parties are better at serving themselves than the entire nation?

What is YOUR idea of "serving the nation." I would say that a transparent President who DONATES his salary is serving the nation far more than any of his predecessors.

Let's have that debate if you can remain coherent long enough to even have it.
What did you think of this??

That Lindsey is a professional politician willing to say anything to stay elected? But hey, dimwits like you LOVE politicians who lie to you. After all, how stupid do you have to be to vote for a geriatric dumbass with onset dementia?
Clicking on this thread just made everyone dumber. Yes, we get it. Race hustling, worthless pieces of human filth hate Trump and America. Kill yourselves. NO one will care. NO one will notice.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats


Thankfully common white trash like you are literally dying off :)
you are one crazy cracka

I R O N Y!!! From a mentally retarded, race hustling asshole on steroids.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

Thankfully common white trash like you are literally dying off

Thankfully, race hustling assholes like you are killing yourselves off.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

I R O N Y!!! From a mentally retarded, race hustling asshole on steroids.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats


i wasn't the one who rejected you from military service for being low grade and height challenged , the military doesn't furnish children's size uniforms , even today you must have a booster seat and hand controls on you car as your feet cannot touch the peddles
Putin's puppet and foreign enemy of America partner tRump is America's number one problem as the first enemy of the State that is the greatest atrocity on Democracy and global humanity since 1776. This includes to which tRump, his ass kissers and his un American insurgency have caused many Americans to sell out to the devil and drop dead with the COVID-45 at manipulating their hate, ignorance and stupidity to also be a deplorable liability on humanity too. Yet the majority is there that will hopefully defend Democracy, U.S. Constitutional law, humanity and their soul as a nation of immigrants of the world.
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i wasn't the one who rejected you from military service for being low grade and height challenged , the military doesn't furnish children's size uniforms , even today you must have a booster seat and hand controls on you car as your feet cannot touch the peddles

I wasn't rejected for service, you lying, worthless piece of human filth. But, you being a race hustling mental case on steroids never did concern yourself with the truth or the facts.

You should consider killing yourself. You're a worthless piece of human filth. You'll always be a worthless piece of human filth. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats


Putin's puppet and foreign enemy of America partner tRump is America's number one problem as the first enemy of the State that is the greatest atrocity on Democracy since 1776, to which his and his un American insurgency has caused many Americans to sell out to the devil at manipulating their hate, ignorance and stupidity to also be a deplorable liability on humanity too. Yet the majority is there that will hopefully defend Democracy, U.S. Constitutional law, humanity and their soul as a nation of immigrants of the world.

Gemini....isn't that the twins? That means your twice a repugnant, lying low life scumbag.


Hello guno,

Trump campaign said no way would they agree to mic muting.

Biden campaign said yes.

Says a lot.

trump does not get to make the rules....... If biden kowtows to set them aside they can tell him to take a hike as well... HE DOES NOT GET TO MAKE THE RULES EITHER..

After trump's performance, let him take that into the election...... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I am sure that is what he campaign would just love:cool:
trump does not get to make the rules....... If biden kowtows to set them aside they can tell him to take a hike as well... HE DOES NOT GET TO MAKE THE RULES EITHER..

After trump's performance, let him take that into the election...... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I am sure that is what he campaign would just love:cool:

Biden is making no effort to set the rules. We know who is doing that.
Biden is making no effort to set the rules. We know who is doing that.

It is now to biden's advantage to let trump stew, if he does not like it, let him go w/ that fiasco into the election-replay it on the airwaves daily, lest anyone forget..........


If the roles were reversed he would laugh @ him like he did cruz, rubio & the rest.........
Apparently Putin's puppet and the lawlessly hacked in fake so-called president COVID-45 is America's chief pestilence at coming in contact with his other skank and ass-et aid Hicks at apparently being in quarantine, which generally means when someone becomes infected with tRump's coronavirus, they are put in quarantine for 14 days and then re tested. Yet, considering how foul and corrupt tRump's DNA is going back decades which includes his hell bound soul, the tyrant 45 of the century should be locked down under quarantine indefinitely until the day nature takes its course on his hide.
Apparently Putin's puppet and the lawlessly hacked in fake so-called president COVID-45 is America's chief pestilence at coming in contact with his other skank and ass-et aid Hicks at apparently being in quarantine, which generally means when someone becomes infected with tRump's coronavirus, they are put in quarantine for 14 days and then re tested. Yet, considering how foul and corrupt tRump's DNA is going back decades which includes his hell bound soul, the tyrant 45 of the century should be locked down under quarantine indefinitely until the day nature takes its course on his hide.

Are you available for kids birthday parties?
This must be said first: Last night’s debate was an offensive attack on the American people and on all this country aims to represent. Rather than disavow white supremacists when asked directly, the president issued them specific orders: “Stand back and stand by,” he said. It’s no surprise that the Proud Boys are celebrating what they saw as the president’s acknowledgment that he is their leader and incorporated his words into their logo. Later, he encouraged his supporters to swarm the polls on Election Day to “watch carefully”—effectively calling for voter intimidation across the country.

The president of the United States proved repeatedly what most have known for some time: He cannot abide being subjected to the same rules (or laws) as anyone else. In vain did moderator Chris Wallace remind Donald Trump that his campaign had agreed to this specific debate format; the impeached president, manifestly unaccustomed to being directly confronted or even challenged, talked and yelled and talked some more, expecting to prevail. It is to both Wallace’s and former Vice President Joe Biden’s credit that they talked over him in turn, refusing—as much as any person could—to let him simply bellow his way into more airtime. To do otherwise was not an option; it would have meant ceding Trump ground he can no longer be permitted to occupy. When a bully yells, you must yell back. But the overall effect was horrific. Chris Wallace got drawn into the abusive uncle dynamic: In his efforts to get the shouting president to wait his turn, he frequently opted for a kind of desperate appeasement, repeatedly assuring him—as if the man were a toddler or a king—that he “would like the next question.” The dynamic was appalling but clear. Most of us have at one point or another shared a table with a man who had to be so “managed.”

WE KNOW WHY THE MEDIA KEEPS ASKING THE SAME QUESTION OVER AND OVER........its the NAZI playbook of socialist fascism, "Tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth...."

Why continue to ask the same question "ad nauseam"........How many times has Mr. Trump rejected and demonstrated his contempt for any radical group to include the KKK....etc.? Let us count the times beginning during the 2016 presidential campaign while including a direct rejection of all White Supremist Groups during the Charlottesville riots in 2017.

A direct quote from the Charlottesville in 2017 from Mr. Trump, "....And, as I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws and we all salute the same great flag and we are all made by same almighty God..............

Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs INCLUDING THE KKK, neo Nazis, WHITE SURPREMACISTS, and other hate groups (inferring ANTIFA) that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans" -- Donald John Trump (Aug, 2017)

Reality: Mr. Trump has formally declared the KKK etc., as TERRORIST GROUPS....and has, ON RECORD denounced White Supremacy dozens of times.....

ON THE OTHER HAND.....:bigthink:

When Biden was asked to condemn the actions of ANTIFA....he is quoted as suggesting that ANTIFA is not a group, not organized, but rather JUST AND IDEA (much like Nadler suggested that the riots were not real but a right wing myth).

Why keep asking the same question over and over.........while knowing the TRUTH is different from the narrative you are attempting to establish? Its the same play book used by the NAZIS in the 1930s......... publicly tell a lie enough times and people begin believing it to be the truth because the lie is being pushed by the media...........

"Tell a lie enough and it becomes THE TRUTH....." -- Joseph Goebbels.

Only "uninformed" snowflakes who get their news from a supposed MAIN STREAM MEDIA.........will buy into the narrative because they are just to simple minded to actually seek out the truth for themselves.

The days of the MEDIA electing US Presidents are over........THE PEOPLE now have access to the net.......and research is just a mouse click away. And it drives the MSM insane.........THE BIG LEFT WING TECH GROUPS can't BURN ALL THE BOOKS. You can shut down a conservative voice on social media networks.......but (just like on the X-files).......THE TRUTH IS STILL OUT THERE....the NET is to big to control all its content. You can silence the voices.......but you can't silence THE TRUTH.
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