Trump Is Constitutionally Barred From Holding Office.

He's talking about after the Civil War, dumbass.

Civil war has never occurred in the United States (yet). The so-called 'Civil War' was between two nations. The Confederacy ceased to exist after the War of Secession.
He was not talking about after the War of Secession, Sock.
Probably just Federal court. The more convictions of Trump's Traitors, the more likely a court will rule that Trump is ineligible. How many of Trump's Traitors being conviction of sedition and violence at 1/6 claimed they were only following Trump's orders?

You are describing DEMOCRATS again, Sock. Inversion fallacy.
No he doesn't. Did you think the President doesn't swear an oath to the Constitution you fucking dimwitted moron?

Including Biden, who discards and denies the Constitution of the United States, just as YOU do.

Don't try to hide behind the document you despise.
Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, MTG, Matt Gaetz, Ron Johnson and Lindsay Graham are also ineligible. I'm sure there are many, many more in the GOP. They are the party of the treason.

Inversion fallacy. You are describing DEMOCRATS again.

Giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war as Biden has done is treason.
Inviting invasion of the United States as Biden has is treason.
Inciting civil war as Biden has is treason.
If you want to blame the Jan 6th riots on someone...blame Pelosi, who organized it.
Civil war has never occurred in the United States (yet). The so-called 'Civil War' was between two nations. The Confederacy ceased to exist after the War of Secession.
He was not talking about after the War of Secession, Sock.
You forgot to call me Terry, dumbass.
His minions, on his command, attempted to overthrow an election by force. Trump should have mobilized military forces to defend the Capitol, but it's obvious why he didn't.

There was no election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
It was Pelosi that told forces to stand down.
It was Pelosi that organized the riots.
Good thing we have a Supreme Court and that our Constitution is an evolving document that can be interpreted.

The Supreme Court has no authority to change or interpret the Constitution. It is not a 'living document'. It is plainly written. It's articles and amendments do not change on a whim.
It technically doesn't require a conviction. That said, the clause isn't applicable to the President or someone running for president.

It requires a conviction, and it requires conviction of treason.

There is no conviction. And Trump committed no treason.

Biden has several times, though:
* Giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* Inciting civil war.
As usual my dear, you dont read the fucking links since you are a total moron!

"The law professors argued current and former officeholders who took part in supporting or planning the efforts to overturn the election for Trump should also be “stringently scrutinized” under the Constitution should they seek bids for future public office.

Baude and Paulsen also noted that Trump’s “overall course of conduct disqualifies him” from eligibility as a candidate, regardless of whether he is convicted of criminal charges related to the 2020 election – which he now faces in Georgia state court and in federal court – or whether he is held liable in a major civil conspiracy lawsuit related to the attack.

“If the public record is accurate, the case is not even close. He is no longer eligible to the office of Presidency,” the law review article said."

Not a conviction, moron. Boy, there really are some stupid people in Florida.
The Founding Fathers understood that the Constitution needed to be a living document, which is why it's possible for it to be amended and for the Supreme Court to reinterpret it as needed.

You don't get to speak for the dead. The Supreme Court has no authority to interpret or change the Constitution. It is not 'a living document'. It can only be changed by the States and only by specific procedure.