Trump is ending his COVID-19 press conferences

Longtime conservative Matt Lewis claimed that Donald Trump’s plan to abandon the daily press conferences where ostensibly he was to update the public on new information on the COVID-19 pandemic, is a sign that he knows they have been a failure for him as he scrambles to stop his slide in the polls.

As Lewis notes, for once Trump is getting something right.

Following Thursday press conference where the president suggested using disinfectants internally to cure coronavirus victims, Friday’s appearance was brief with the president taking no questions and fleeing the press after Vice President Mike Pence spo
“In a press briefing that ended quicker than a lot of Mike Tyson fights, it was Donald Trump who ended up on the mat Friday night,” Lewis wrote. “Right after he shuffled off the stage Friday night without taking a single question, the news broke that he was no longer going to be entertaining America on a nightly basis.”

Calling it “a fitting end to one of the most bizarre weeks in the most bizarre periods in American history,” Lewis went on to write, “Friday’s abrupt departure, coupled with those reports that we may have seen our last daily coronavirus briefing, constitutes a rare, if tacit, admission of failure. Coronavirus is a serious problem, and Trump simply can’t talk his way out of this one.”

“It has been said that Trump’s superpower is that he has no shame. He doesn’t get embarrassed, primarily because he isn’t self-aware enough to realize he should,” Lewis continued. “Trump normally prevaricates with abandon, attempting to gaslight us into believing we’re the ones with the problem. But on this occasion, he seemed self-aware. Finally, Trump seemed to realize that he was naked.”

“It takes a lot for a man this delusional to come to terms with reality. And while I’m not delusional enough to think he is maturing, or that avoiding the media will last (he craves attention too much for that), Trump might finally be getting scared,” he added. “Look at the polls. He could very well lose his re-election to Joe Biden. I think he finally realizes that.”

Credit to Trump for putting in so much effort, for being willing to most days take all questions. This man has stamina!
It fed his ego!If he had so much stamina,he wouldn't be driving his golf cart onto the greens

Trump has very little Ego.

The fact that so many, especially the so-called journalists and political elite, understand Trump so little, or at least claim none as they are so wrong so often, is alarming.
You do not get those charges against Joe on real news channels and honest internet sources. There is absolutely no information proving he has mental problems. He has always had gaffe problems That is why I did not want him to run. However, I thought, if he is running, trump is the perfect candidate to run him against. Trump says the dumbest shit any president or public speaker ever said. He is frighteningly stupid and unprepared. I am sure Trump will not debate him. If Biden were senile, trump should leap at it. But his handlers know better. Trump would be exposed again. That is also why he has no presidential news conferences. They know he can not handle it. He can not even handle the press dinner.
Now he will end his health care rallies because they get real scrutiny. He cannot stand up to that.

How old are you? I'm retired mid-60s. There's a difference between dementia and senile. Dementia is a whole host of deteriorating mental conditions afflicting the aged....which is both Biden and Trump along with Bernie. Warren is "young" for her age, but she's still exhibits signs we all go through. "Senile" is the same as doddering, someone who has many of those conditions fully developed.
Early signs

Early signs of dementia can include:

  • Changes in short-term memory.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Trouble finding the right words.
  • Apathy.
  • Confusion.
  • Being repetitive.
  • Finds it hard to follow a storyline.
  • Trouble completing everyday tasks.
  • Poor sense of direction.
  • Difficulty adapting to changes.
Ingesting disinfectants must have been the last straw. Maybe he finally realized how badly these appearances were hurting him in the polls.

To be fair, Dump was theorizing that maybe the ingredients of disinfectants could be modified or altered to use internally. Unfortunately, Dump's ability to articulate on the fly is as poor as his command of Constitutional knowledge. Then his ego takes over (he NEVER admits to error), and his "I was being sarcastic" response was just pathetic, as anyone who watched that press briefing knows.
Okay, so he's just so old his memory is failing. Still too old to be President. So is Trump, Bernie and Hillary. Doesn't either party have a sane, educated, experienced and intelligent person in their early 60s to run for President?

Ego and power.....feed on each other, and thus rarely opt to relinquish.
Ego and power.....feed on each other, and thus rarely opt to relinquish.

Well now that all depends upon the quality of the person. Not all people suck such. Our ancestors for example often managed to do better. The decline of Christianity has a lot to do with why the moderns often suck.
Biden may have dementia, but he's still smart enough to know that the best way to beat Trump is to "let Trump be Trump". Trump's disinfectant/"powerful light" debacle was faaaarrrrrrr better for Biden than $100M worth of commercials, rallies and news letters.

And Trump knows that the best way to beat Biden is to let Biden be Biden.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ego and power.....feed on each other, and thus rarely opt to relinquish.

Well now that all depends upon the quality of the person. Not all people suck such. Our ancestors for example often managed to do better. The decline of Christianity has a lot to do with why the moderns often suck.

My man, your Christian ancestors were responsible for the Spanish Inquisition, major participants in the decimation of the native nations in what became America, and a slew of other crimes against humanity as they rode the coattails of imperialism and colonialism. So that "decline" is a hell of a lot longer than you think.

But I digress:

the point of my previous point was that people in power have a tendency to want to hold onto it. If you're deemed the smartest person in the room and rewarded with a seat at the table to decide how to govern millions (with nice perks to the job), it would be the exception and not the rule for you to say, "hey, let someone else take my job when I reach 55-65 years old. Just saying.
And Trump knows that the best way to beat Biden is to let Biden be Biden.

Really? I don't see Biden being an eighth of a braying ass that Dump is during his press conferences and briefings. The way his appointed minions pretzel bend to make excuses for his boorish behavior just makes matters worse for him. Mind you, without Gerrymandering and other voter suppression acts in red states, Dump doesn't even have an even money chance of winning.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ego and power.....feed on each other, and thus rarely opt to relinquish.

It's worked great in the USA 44 times in a row. Why do you think the 45th time is going to be different?

Worked out for whom? Thanks to Reagan and the Bush Crime family (with a partial assist from Slick Willy) and the GOP, our economy has been on the brink of another Depression in the last 30 years! And let's not forget the longest running military operations in our history. The Dems in Congress have been nothing more than a stop gap or the lesser of two evils to a significant degree. When this country will have the guts to push a 3rd political party is a hope of mine....but I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime.