Bump. I love the lefty responses in this thread, lol.
Trump said a Latino judge could not fairly judge his case. Racist. Trump was sued for refusing to rent to blacks. Racist. What do you need. He is a racist. His father was sued for refusing to rent to blacks. http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/ The Central Park 5 is another example.
Look at his administration. How many blacks or women? Just got rid of only insider black woman, Omarosa.
You did not read this thread. All that shit has been covered.Trump said a Latino judge could not fairly judge his case. Racist. Trump was sued for refusing to rent to blacks. Racist. What do you need. He is a racist. His father was sued for refusing to rent to blacks. http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/ The Central Park 5 is another example.
Look at his administration. How many blacks or women? Just got rid of only insider black woman, Omarosa.
How about 5 years of birtherism against Obama? trump is a pathetic racist.
You did not read this thread. All that shit has been covered.
He settled the cases . he did not have to admit to what he did as long as he advertised that he would rent to minorities. then got sued again later. this is how companies admit guilt.
Yeah, I already kicked your ass on this one months ago.
Trump was running his dad's businesses at that time. So Republicans are evading facts again. The orange obviously does land far from the tree. Trumps racism has been on display m,any times. Quit closing your eyes. Ever hear of Central Park 5? Are you familiar with 5 years of birtherism? Ever hear of judge Curiel? You Trumplestilskins cross talk to each other and do not respond to posts that prove his racism over and over.
272 posts of squirming just to get back to the fact that Trump is indeed a racist
272 posts of squirming just to get back to the fact that Trump is indeed a racist
Seems if you can't beat him in an election you have to lie about him.
You aren't helping, since you are a rayciss.
Yeah, 5 years of birtherism against Obama wasn't racist either. Saying nobody saw him at Harvard wasn't racist? Trump is a pathetic racist. Her was sued for refusing to rent to blacks. What is more racist than that? Anyone who can read and think knows what Trump is.