Trump is not a racist

Check this out:

So again I ask what does this have to do with the FACT that puss boy was found to have committed housing discrimination against African-Americans? Fined for employment discrimination against African Americans? Sued for and settled discrimination lawsuits? You can dig up some bullshit awards speech and/or pictures of him shaking hand with people all you want. It doesn't change the FACT that he has been adjudicated for racial discrimination. It doesn't the change the FACT that he uses race as political tactic.
So again I ask what does this have to do with the FACT that puss boy was found to have committed housing discrimination against African-Americans? Fined for employment discrimination against African Americans? Sued for and settled discrimination lawsuits? You can dig up some bullshit awards speech and/or pictures of him shaking hand with people all you want. It doesn't change the FACT that he has been adjudicated for racial discrimination. It doesn't the change the FACT that he uses race as political tactic.

uh......guess what........and as I have already stated in this thread I had a case like this in the last client accepted an identical settlement, except she had to pay $1000.......I guess that was a bigger case than the "biggest discrimination case in history".....shucks five, six years ago there was a case settled for $50k because a landlord refused to rent a one bedroom apartment to a woman with two kids......

Then a shitty lawyer. The Trump case was stated accurately.
The problem that I have found in discussing this topic is that too often the right tries to use their own personal definitions of "racist" or they want to use "alternate" terms because they believe that there are no racists.

So I will use the following definition.

racist: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another; showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

As a start,

"In October 1973, the Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against Trump Management Company, Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump, alleging that African-Americans and Puerto Ricans were systematically excluded from apartments. The Trumps responded with a $100 million countersuit accusing the government of defamation.

"The Trumps and their company entered into a consent decree settling the litigation in 1975. The agreement contained no admission of wrongdoing, but required the Trump firm to institute a series of safeguards to make sure apartments were rented without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin."

In his 1991 book Trumped! John O'Donnell quoted Trump as saying:

"I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes.... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else... Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that's guy's lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks."

In August 2016 Trump campaigned in Maine, which has a large immigrant Somali population. At a rally he said, "We've just seen many, many crimes getting worse all the time, and as Maine knows — a major destination for Somali refugees — right, am I right?"

"In an intelligence briefing on hostages held by a terrorist group in Pakistan, Trump repeatedly interrupted the briefing to ask an Asian-American intelligence analyst who specializes in hostage situations "where are you from?" After she told him she was from New York he asked again and she clarified that she was from Manhattan. He pressed with the question until she finally told him that her parents were Korean. Trump then asked one of his advisers why "the pretty Korean lady" was not negotiating for him with North Korea."

Just a few examples.
I guess I am asking the impossible. You have to have a brain before you can think for yourself.

USFREEDOM believes that publicity pictures tell more about a mans history than the heinous things he is on record as having done.
Yes he is that stupid and shallow.