Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
So we should sit with our thumbs up our asses while our country goes downhill?
poor pig fucking goy
So we should sit with our thumbs up our asses while our country goes downhill?
poor pig fucking goy
Learn to read carefully and comprehensively, genius.
The link refers to and documents the very case were Trump and company SETTLED. The quote is his....valid documentation of admission. Also, there is another link that documents his long list of racist carrying on. Now, either address the FACTS of continue blindly parroting the most Trump chumps are only capable of doing.
Pay attention: what you posted STILL does not change the FACT that a settlement is NOT exoneration!
It means, "here, take this money and go away so I don't have to be publicly examined or admit any wrong doing." If Trump and his RICH buddies had nothing to hide, then why pay someone off?
Trump responded to Clinton by emphasizing that the case was settled with no admission of guilt.
"Yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company — had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens," Trump said. "And we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country — it was a federal lawsuit — were sued. We settled the suit with zero, with no admission of guilt."
Got that bunky?
Evmetro: “DUI traffic deaths in Peoria are increasing. Prove me wrong. But you have to exclude all incidents involving vehicles.” That’s his MO
A willfully ignorant moron.
He took up with the party of racists, exploited that.
How ironical. I was just trying to determine if your logic equation was a formal or informal fallacy.
Neither, dumbfuck. It was an example of your juvenile tactics.
I know you are a lefty and all, but I have come to see you as being a little more objective and civilized than the rest of them. I also believe that you are objective enough to be able to see the difference between actual evidence and what lefties have been posting on this thread, and I certainly believe you have more to offer than what you have just posted. I will assume that this post of yours is just political humor.
Hello Evmetro,
It was a 'drive by' post. Not much more serious than my post about him pardoning a white turkey.
I wrote this thread off a long time ago after I gave strong evidence of Trump's racism and you found a way to blow it off, just as you have done for virtually everybody who came to this thread with similar evidence. That's fine, I get your gig. You have convinced yourself that Trump is not a racist and this thread is a way for you to enforce your beliefs by discounting anything anyone else says to the contrary. Hey, if that works for you, then you're not going to listen to anything that challenges that. Other people have similar threads going where they are convinced Trump never lied. I think they are only trying to convince themselves because something doesn't feel quite right about their beliefs. That's what I see you doing here.
Most of my positions do fall on the left but not all. I do try to consider all views when formulating my own. I do not take positions just because that's what the party wants. I am not a member of any party. I also am not above using a bit of semantic trickery to enhance my point. In this case I referred to one of the major political parties as 'the party of racists.' Of course, there is no ambiguity there. Everybody knows which party I am talking about. And there is a reason for that.
Not that I believe all Republicans are racists. I do not. But I do believe that: a) if someone is a racist, and b) they are going to align with one of the major parties, that c) they are most likely going to pick the Republican party. This would make the Republican party the party of racists, but it doesn't say that all Republicans are racist. If Republicans are uneasy with such a moniker, they need to stop exploiting racists for the racist vote.
It is sad that Trump could not get elected without the racist vote, and even sadder that he is willing to exploit that. Since he has done so, and he has become the face of the Republican party, then it is a reasonable statement to call that party the party of racists. If Republicans do not want that association, they need to take a stand against the President. I have a lot more respect for Republicans who stand against Trump than those who support him. Guilt by association. I strongly disagree with Trump, I disapprove of his performance, and I believe the Republican party has severely damaged it's reputation by falling in line behind the President.
Hello Evmetro,
It was a 'drive by' post. Not much more serious than my post about him pardoning a white turkey.
I wrote this thread off a long time ago after I gave strong evidence of Trump's racism and you found a way to blow it off, just as you have done for virtually everybody who came to this thread with similar evidence. That's fine, I get your gig.
You have convinced yourself that Trump is not a racist and this thread is a way for you to enforce your beliefs by discounting anything anyone else says to the contrary. Hey, if that works for you, then you're not going to listen to anything that challenges that. Other people have similar threads going where they are convinced Trump never lied. I think they are only trying to convince themselves because something doesn't feel quite right about their beliefs. That's what I see you doing here.
Most of my positions do fall on the left but not all. I do try to consider all views when formulating my own. I do not take positions just because that's what the party wants. I am not a member of any party. I also am not above using a bit of semantic trickery to enhance my point. In this case I referred to one of the major political parties as 'the party of racists.' Of course, there is no ambiguity there. Everybody knows which party I am talking about. And there is a reason for that.
Not that I believe all Republicans are racists. I do not. But I do believe that: a) if someone is a racist, and b) they are going to align with one of the major parties, that c) they are most likely going to pick the Republican party. This would make the Republican party the party of racists, but it doesn't say that all Republicans are racist. If Republicans are uneasy with such a moniker, they need to stop exploiting racists for the racist vote.
It is sad that Trump could not get elected without the racist vote, and even sadder that he is willing to exploit that. Since he has done so, and he has become the face of the Republican party, then it is a reasonable statement to call that party the party of racists. If Republicans do not want that association, they need to take a stand against the President. I have a lot more respect for Republicans who stand against Trump than those who support him. Guilt by association. I strongly disagree with Trump, I disapprove of his performance, and I believe the Republican party has severely damaged it's reputation by falling in line behind the President.
As I said, you have proof given to you and you simply deny it. That game is old. You are wrong and cheating to protect Trump, a lifetime bigot, and a hater. Perhaps you actually think you are convincing. You are not. This is how you play and it is childish, and dishonest. I understand you have mastered saying NO and think it is profound. Nope, wrong still.
Then I was able to properly interpret it. This is cool, a lefty and a righty communicating properly.
I suspect that we may be able to communicate and debate whichever item you had presented as evidence, since you seem to be a little more objective than most lefties, and you also seem to be able to communicate without having to use uncivilized language without having to bite and pull hair. Perhaps if you re present whichever item you believe is actual evidence, we can discuss and debate it in a civilized and objective way. We would simply need a single item that is isolated from any gish gallop lists, and an explanation of how it is more than an allegation, accusation, or dismissed case. Once you present your item, I will agree to not shoot it down on the spot, but instead, we will discuss it.
This goes off into partisan speculation, so it is not really all that helpful in isolating and debating the item that you feel is the actual evidence. It is not relevant if I think Trump is a racist or not, or what anybody else believes. What is needed in order to secure a victory in this thread, is actual evidence that is not an allegation, dismissed case, or accusation.
I am somewhat aware of your political stance, and I respect that you are able to remain civilized. Even better yet, I respect that there seems to be a little independent streak in you that allows you to function outside of the rigid dogma of the left. What I can never seem to find are people who can step outside of their respective side of the war long enough to debate something objectively. I suspect that you may have this ability that is especially hard to find in lefties.
This is a lot of partisan agenda, which would be fun to debate and discuss in various threads. Let's see if we can narrow down and debate a single submission of racism evidence first though.
Hello Evmetro,
It's all I came here for.
LOL! There's no point. It has already been presented and blown off by you.
Preconditions are not an open debate.
Pretty hard to find anywhere.
Tell ya what. Instead of going around the same old circles, let's try a new tack. President Trump has clearly taken political advantage of racism. That makes him a racist by association. Anyone who is willing to encourage and capitalize politically on racism is also a racist.
So have we "proven" Don isn't "racist" yet?
I am a little disappointed to see you completely surrender like this, but I understand. There have been 1335 post on this thread, and not one lefty has been able to isolate a single shred of evidence from the internet or any gish gallop list and present it here with an explanation as to why it is more than an allegation, dismissed case, or accusation. 1335 post of lefties failing to do this would look pretty intimidating if one were wanting to accomplish this task. You are probably wise to throw up the smokescreen like this, and get away from any expectation to do what no lefty has been able to do in 1335 posts. Throw some blame out there to justify why you can't be part of this, and remember that rigid lefty dogma will forbid you to admit that you cannot.
President Trump has clearly taken political advantage of racism. That makes him a racist by association. Anyone who is willing to encourage and capitalize politically on racism is also inherently racist.
If this is what you are submitting as evidence that Trump is a racist, let's look into it and see if we can agree on everything. First, let's look at your claim that "President Trump has clearly taken political advantage of racism." I have not observed this personally, but I am open to understanding it if you can demonstrate that he is in fact doing this. Can you give me a couple examples of this that are not propaganda, allegations, or accusations?
We would also want to validate the notion that taking political advantage of racism proves one is a racist, if we can validate that this is happening.
We should make sure we agree on the meaning of guilt by association. Do we agree that Trump's guilt by association looks like the illustration below?
Premise A is a B
Premise A is also a C
Conclusion Therefore, all Bs are Cs
We must also evaluate this: Anyone who is willing to encourage and capitalize politically on racism is also inherently racist.
Again, I think we will need to substantiate the notion that this is in fact happening, and that this is in fact evidence of racism.
Poli, I want to break this down objectively, so let me know if it is reasonable that we substantiate and agree upon the above items.
If I was not taking the extra time to try working this one objectively with you, I would normally have replied to your above post by simply posting that you posted an unsubstantiated emotional assertion, but I really am interested in working through this in a way that we both agree on, and in a way that neither of us can deny. This may not be possible, but I will give it my best shot.
Hello Evmetro,
Our first disagreement will come on the statement that: "President Trump has clearly taken political advantage of racism."
I believe that to be true, but you will not agree.
I would submit that Trump has encouraged racists in his campaign speeches in order to attract the votes of racists.
Since Trump was endorsed by David Duke, this contention is supported.
Trump walked a fine line here, obviously courting the racist vote, but at the same time disavowing it when questioned directly about it.
Since racists voted for and have supported him, the proof is in the pudding. That means he took political advantage of racists.
Since he just barely squeaked by in the election, losing the popular vote, but winning the electoral college, he needed all the votes he got, or he would not have been elected. That includes the racist vote.
Therefore, Trump capitalized politically on racism.