trump is not much of a businessman

Because he didn't need to. He was no longer running the company. His children are. Be less stupid and answer my question; what is your net worth sage business Dork?

trump's children could have run the company as a blind trust. Why did trump need to know who was paying him?
Had Obama and Clinton not been corrupt ;political hacks they MIGHT have accomplished 1/10 of what Trump did. But you, being a triggered mental case on steroids are too stupid to even comprehend reality, facts or the truth which is why you are such a low IQ, uninformed, shrill moron. :palm:

To be honest, trump accomplished little or nothing. He was a complete failure. Had he really accomplished anything he wouldn't have lost an election by one of the largest margins in American history.
What he loses due to incompetency doesn't matter. What does matter is the millions upon millions he and his family made off of his presidency. Who knows who or what he sold out, what deal he made, all in the name of his office. And you dont fucking care that he raped this country.

got any links or just blowing projections like you have on all threads today, POS
trump's businesses suffered more when he was out of office. But like all of America, his businesses also suffered while he was in office. There were some benefits, like the large bribes he laundered through his businesses, but not enough.

Damn, do you lie all the time and make up shit as you go? You are such a dishonest fucking piece of shit
Hello Trumpet,

And all the unfortunate people he has ripped off along the way.

Customers, Investors, tax payers, contractors, bankers, lawyers, etc.

He has left a trail of financial wreckage. Even gotten some to break the law and become incarcerated.

And then there are the ungrateful dead.

Trump has been quite successful at being a scammer, if nothing else.
his businesses all suffered while he was in office, Clinton, Obama's, and now Biden are wall whores using the office to increase wealth, All democrats are in the FUCK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CLUB.

You are literally the dumbest moron on the planet I hope you're on lithium
Trump may not be a great businessman, but in his defense,

he was the inspiration for some great Halloween costumes, no?
I figured he was losing lots of money, its why he ran for president, he is so butt-hurt he can barely sit down.
In 1989, trump had a net worth of $3 billion. If he had taken that money, and invested it in an S&P 500 indexed fund, he would have $48 billion. He would also have been able to live a lavish lifestyle on the dividend themselves, so not having to touch his investment.

Instead, trump is worth $2.4 billion. in 32 years, he lost money.

He's doing better than you.

He lost $1 billion for volunteering to be president and have pukes like you hate on him for nothing.