Trump Is Not Well

Trump is the first atheist president in a long time. His fake religiosity is just to fool rightys and you are proof of how well it works. The requirement is you have to really, really want to believe. It has to be enough to ignore all the evidence.
Pence is just a toy that Trump pushes around. He is so far down the pecking order that he does not matter. What has he done?

Well said. Trump is about as much a Christian as I am a 747 pilot. But the True Believers(tm) see him as some sort of saviour. They better hope that the original one doesn't come back and reclaim His crown.
Does it matter what he has done? What matters is what he might do if required to replace THE DON. ;) What had BHO done before he sold our nation out? It did not seem to bother the leftists who voted for the color of his The point being. Trump is Mr. President and he blocks the retarded attempts to remove him at every turn...why? He's clean and he knows how to bait leftists. Like using Bolton to distract the leftist media while he made behind closed door agreements. Bolton is gone......look for an agreement with IRAN or CHINA very soon....Mr. Trump used him as a hammer...the good cop bad cop routine. Leftists are so easy distracted because they are blinded by hate....Mr. Trump is 4 moves ahead at all times. (:

You bitch at his tweets.....but he always gives us a preview of the documentation that he has already been witness to......the left's problem? Documented truth always beats propaganda, because propaganda can't produce evidences of fact. Take the tiny Hitler want'a be....Nadler, He had already made plans to impeach the DONALD for obstruction of Justice, the firing of Comey, as it was suggested by Nadler and company that Mr. Trump fired him to stop any investigation. WRONG....according to the in depth documented evidence presented by the Inspector General.....Comey ignored FBI rules, regs and protocols...….Mr. Comey was fired for cause. No amount of propaganda can overcome such documentation.

Thus when Mr. Trump better damn well believe he has privy to information the hustlers on the left do not....THE PATRIOTS are now in control of the all police and covert the DON has stopped all interal leaks to the press and the leftist criminals....and its driving them bat shit crazy. Trump played you. Bolton was nothing but a distraction while the patriots went about the business of getting out of the business of perpetual warfare as a money making industry. :bigthink:

Those who scream, bitch, sling snot, grind and gnash their teeth the loudest....are the guilty one who have everything to lose. Its both entertaining and comical...watching this play out in real time. Like the Hollywood elite who suggested that a black list should be made of those who supported and voted for Trump.....they should have all their personal information, phone numbers, addresses etc., revealed in order to take revenge. Sounds so much like the 1950s and another Proving what? You are what you are projecting others to be....fascists.

Are you that nuts?
You don't understand the electoral college either. Add that to your ignorance pile. After the electoral votes are counted, they decide on 1 person who is in one and only one party.
The Repugs won by 2 percent and blew a 12 percent margin 2 years ago. They lost some important demographics. The Repubs spent about triple what the Dems did and Daffy made a last-second rally, yet they squeaked by.
This is no great victory but perhaps a harbinger of a bad time in 2020.

Yeah.....the EC decides between at least 2 different candidates.....NOT ONE party as would be the circumstance if POPULATION ALONE determined the single candidate. Large liberal shitholes like LA and NY would make this nation a totalitarian shithole to mirror the LARGE "group think" thugs/mobs that live in these large strongholds because they don't possess the attributes to be SELF RELIENT and must depend upon a BIG BROTHER for food, shelter, security....etc. I clearly understand the mindset of the founding fathers who realized the back bone of this nation does not stand on mob rule but the traits of the INDIVIDUAL "with a guaranteed voice";)

Read and comprehend Article 4 Section 4 Clause one of the US constitution that guarantees a REPUBLICAN government at all levels, local, state, and federal. MOB RULE would turn into European trash like politics. FYI: How many times has this REPUBLIC saved the collective asses of the DEMOCRATS/supposed democracies in EUROPE? :bigthink:

England just had an EPIPHANY called BRIXIT...….they finally realized the end objective of everything socialist, its a scam to control the masses and make them dependent upon a supposed elite ruling class of assholes. Go ahead, chase that elite carrot the rich are dangling in front of you....telling you how much you must depend upon staying in the good graces of this elite ruling class, like the Rothchilds, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Morgans….etc., They depend upon gullible fools....all ruling classes need and require "PEONS", someone must do the slave grunt work.

Yeah...lets roll with that workers of the world unite Bull Shit that was common to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, FDR. (all socialists....all FASCISTS) Hell, Roosevelt held office for how many terms after pronouncing himself king until his death via loading SCOTUS up with democrats, some of which still holding membership in the KKK? New COMMUNIAST ass. Progressive my ass. You are looking at the end result....a system that will crash and burn beneath its own greedy weight....controlled via a select group of elite banking families that control the FED and the CENTRAL BANKS that determine the value of money, properties, stock, bonds, etc.,
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Scalia didn't die under strange circumstances, dipshit.

Yeah.....and there was a complete investigation and autopsy. Can I sell you some ocean front property in KS.? :laugh: EINSTEIN :palm:

Lets look at the documented FACTS: 1. Motive, any number of corrupt left wings groups would benefit from his death in the attempt to place another liberal on the bench (because the left legislates from the bench). 2. Scalia constantly lectured about the tyranny and corrupt state of the elites in this nation. 3. He died (conveniently) at one of the most isolated locations in this nation. 4. The powers that be pronounced his CAUSE OF DEATH within minutes of finding his body....void of any formal investigation or autopsy. 5. Scalia's security guards were strangely absent (sound much like Jeff Epstein?). 6. The hotel owner where Scalia was housed is on record as being a huge OBMA donor. 7. His body was found with a pillow over his head. 8. As stated autopsy was never undertaken. 9. Many homicide experts stated that it looked like foul play....their voices never appeared in any mainstream media outlet. 10. There was a suspect identified..., while never making the national news. Strange? The place of Scalia's death......the PRESIDENTIAL HOTEL ….in spanish;) Now what corrupt president would benefit from his death, and then attempt to bum rush his appointee into office in an election year? :dunno: What former POTUS is now under investigation for using the police and covert agencies of the FED for political reasons?
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Yeah.....and there was a complete investigation and autopsy. Can I sell you some ocean front property in KS.? :laugh: EINSTEIN :palm:

Lets look at the documented FACTS: 1. Motive, any number of corrupt left wings groups would benefit from his death in the attempt to place another liberal on the bench (because the left legislates from the bench). 2. Scalia constantly lectured about the tyranny and corrupt state of the elites in this nation. 3. He died (conveniently) at one of the most isolated locations in this nation. 4. The powers that be pronounced his CAUSE OF DEATH within minutes of finding his body....void of any formal investigation or autopsy. 5. Scalia's security guards were strangely absent (sound much like Jeff Epstein?). 6. The hotel owner where Scalia was housed is on record as being a huge OBMA donor. 7. His body was found with a pillow over his head. 8. As stated autopsy was never undertaken. 9. Many homicide experts stated that it looked like foul play....their voices never appeared in any mainstream media outlet. 10. There was a suspect identified..., while never making the national news. Strange? The place of Scalia's death......the PRESIDENTIAL HOTEL ….in spanish;) Now what corrupt president would benefit from his death, and then attempt to bum rush his appointee into office in an election year? :dunno: What former POTUS is now under investigation for using the police and covert agencies of the FED for political reasons?

You poor, butthurt little pussy. He didn't die under strange circumstances, and nothing you cited demonstrates otherwise. No suspect was ever identified. The pillow was not found over his head. He didn't have any security gaurds at all. His family didn't want an autopsy. Not one, single homicide expert stated that it looked like foul play. There was no 'bum rush' to replace him.

He was, like most conservatives, a completely out of shape, fat, older and physically unfit fuck.

Thanks for being my bitch.
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You poor, butthurt little pussy. He didn't die under strange circumstances, and nothing you cited demonstrates otherwise. No suspect was ever identified. The pillow was not found over his head. He didn't havqe any security gaurds. His family didn't want an autopsy. Not one, single homicide expert stated that it looked like foul play. There was no 'bum rush' to replace him.

He was, like most conservatives, a completely out of shape, fat, older and physically unfit fuck.

Thanks for being my bitch.

Yeah.....The Washington Post is full of shit. No? :laugh:

Its a simple thing...if there was an Autopsy just present the documentation. If he did not die at the isolated location simply produce the evidence of where he did die. If his body guards were present and on duty....prove they were there. If the owner of the hotel was not a huge OBAMA donator.....prove it.

No pillow over his head? Well...the source was CNN Of course CNN has deleted its coverage from the web. Simply prompt the CACHE provided manually or simply allow the NY Post to give a 2nd opinion.

Yeah...made me your bitch...…..:bigthink: As was stated....the problem with Bullshit propaganda? It can not be documented like the TRUTH. Documentation beats propaganda every time. BITCH. ;) Clearly you do not comprehend there is a new sheriff in town.....with access to all the documentation. Excuse me while I check out all the documentation you presented.....that was quick, I am back, its not difficult to research...…-0-, nada, nothing, zilch. Sock. How stupid do you have to be to think you are deceiving anyone when you use the same tactics, the same gaffs, the same English text, grade school level....YOUR ID exposes all.
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Well said. Trump is about as much a Christian as I am a 747 pilot. But the True Believers(tm) see him as some sort of saviour. They better hope that the original one doesn't come back and reclaim His crown.

FYI: When the REAL ONE (wink, wink) comes will not be to reclaim his crown, it will be to sit in judgement of folks like you, when He returns...he will return the Kingdom He has been ruling over for the past 2000 years+ to Father God. ;) -- 1 Corinthians 15:21 Only the fool expects a literal kingdom and supposed 1000 year on earth. When He returns the earth will be nothing but a burning ball of flame. The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night....destroying all things physical (2 Peter 3:3-13):thinking:

As far as Trump being a Christian? Its a moot thing to the real Christian, as we do have a 1st amendment that forbids any religious theocracy, and we as Christians are commanded to obey the laws of the land. (Romans 13:1-4) We vote for the ONE that best serves our interests just like YOU VOTE for the fascists that serve your purposes. (: Mr. Trump is a means to an end. And its a most enjoyable thing to watch as the left is in receipt of an eye for an eye type government as they have passed out over the past 100 years with the KKK, JIM CROW, NEW COMMUNIST DEAL, etc.,

My pap had a say'n….."Urinate on the fire, call in the dogs, the PARTY IS OVER." You fascists had your failed.
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Yeah.....The Washington Post is full of shit. No? :laugh:

Its a simple thing...if there was an Autopsy just present the documentation. If he did not die at the isolated location simply produce the evidence of where he did die. If his body guards were present and on duty....prove they were there. If the owner of the hotel was not a huge OBAMA donator.....prove it.

No pillow over his head? Well...the source was CNN Of course CNN has deleted its coverage from the web. Simply prompt the CACHE provided manually or simply allow the NY Post to give a 2nd opinion.

Yeah...made me your bitch...…..:bigthink: As was stated....the problem with Bullshit propaganda? It can not be documented like the TRUTH. Documentation beats propaganda every time. BITCH. ;) Clearly you do not comprehend there is a new sheriff in town.....with access to all the documentation. Excuse me while I check out all the documentation you presented.....that was quick, I am back, its not difficult to research...…-0-, nada, nothing, zilch. Sock. How stupid do you have to be to think you are deceiving anyone when you use the same tactics, the same gaffs, the same English text, grade school level....YOUR ID exposes all.

Thanks for admitting that you have no credible evidence that he died under 'strange circumstances' and are yet again forced to run, hair on fire, from your asshat claim.

He had no body guards, you silly cunt. Prove that he did. His death is no longer under investigation. His family didn't want an autopsy. Like you, he was a geriatric, clinically obese shut-in who hated exercise. No pillow was over his head.

Thanks for being my bitch.
FYI: When the REAL ONE (wink, wink) comes will not be to reclaim his crown, it will be to sit in judgement of folks like you, when He returns...he will return the Kingdom He has been ruling over for the past 2000 years+ to Father God. ;) -- 1 Corinthians 15:21 Only the fool expects a literal kingdom and supposed 1000 year on earth. When He returns the earth will be nothing but a burning ball of flame. The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night....destroying all things physical (2 Peter 3:3-13):thinking:

As far as Trump being a Christian? Its a moot thing to the real Christian, as we do have a 1st amendment that forbids any religious theocracy, and we as Christians are commanded to obey the laws of the land. (Romans 13:1-4) We vote for the ONE that best serves our interests just like YOU VOTE for the fascists that serve your purposes. (: Mr. Trump is a means to an end. And its a most enjoyable thing to watch as the left is in receipt of an eye for an eye type government as they have passed out over the past 100 years with the KKK, JIM CROW, NEW COMMUNIST DEAL, etc.,

My pap had a say'n….."Urinate on the fire, call in the dogs, the PARTY IS OVER." You fascists had your failed.

Why do you gleefully defecate in the face of Jesus Christ and pretend to be a Christian?
What about the 62 million that did vote for him (those damn deplorable smelly Walmart, blue collar workers be damned....that was not on the deceased voter registration list as ACTIVE? In LA alone the county was forced to remove over 1 million voters from the active list. Who knows how many dead people where counted in that total? One thing is for sure looks dubious when a county has 112% of registered voters still on the active list Especially when the rest of the nation averages less than 60% voter turnout. California had to settle a lawsuit and remove 1.5 million voters from the active list....good luck with your million vote popular vote win in 2020;)

That's exactly why the POTUS is elected by the STATES...not by population size. It ensures that one the NAZI party can never take total control of our Republic.:bigthink: Want to see a preview of what's coming your way in 2020....look to the recent political action in NC....only a few days ago.

The deplorables Hillary was talking about was the MAGA hat wearers who screamed for blood at rallies and beat up protesters and reporters.
The more often he calls himself a stable genius, the more concerned I get. But the Trumper‘s feel reassured when he calls himself a stable genius, because they believe everything he says.