Now that the Seditionist-Republican base is limited almost exclusively to undereducated white racists, xenophobes, religious bigots, misogynists, anti-intellectuals, and similar entities who have devolved from near-human status into mutant trumpanzees, it may be the tempting thing to underestimate them. Just because the diseased orangutan is in exile, however, it isn't prudent to ignore 74,000,000 illiterate criminals. They have no morals. They have no shame. And what's worse, they have virtually no functioning brain cells.
Even if they were just litter, 74,000,000 of them make up quite the eyesore on the national landscape. But we've seen that they're more than just litter. They're insurrectionists, murderers, they dress funny, and they smell bad. And yes, they vote.
74,000,000 isn't as many as 81,000, 000, but it's much too close and thus much too goddamned many.
Getting seven Republicans to vote an impeachment conviction while forty-three opted for jury nullification is hardly a reason for victory laps. You've read cordeela's insane post. This is what we've got slithering around our feet. They're not holed up at
Mar-A-Lago like their orangutan leader. They're infecting our population in a way worse than covid ever could. PLUS they're spreading covid.
So now the question is, what must be done about it? We can cut them out like cancers or we can separate from them and watch them pathetically try to make it on their. Either way, we have to do something.