Trump lawyer excoriates media, House managers

I can't wait for trump's attempt at pushing his wingnut candidates in '22. He's always failed when he supported a candidate, and I look for that to get worse. Truthfully, he's only in it for the fundraising. He won't spend a nickel on anyone's candidacy.
I agree. He did little to help down ballots.
I can't wait for trump's attempt at pushing his wingnut candidates in '22. He's always failed when he supported a candidate, and I look for that to get worse. Truthfully, he's only in it for the fundraising. He won't spend a nickel on anyone's candidacy.

We already know how that's going to go. Thirty seconds of trump saying "vote for __________", followed by 59 minute and 30 seconds of "my election was stolen", "the biggest witch hunt in history", and a bunch of "lock her ups" thrown in for good measure.
They lied, they lied several times in their defense. 61 falls for bs once, again.

Fixing *manipulated evidence* is ‘catching an error’ lol?

Manipulate is a verb and it implies intent. Wouldn’t a more accurate rendering be something like “well, on second thought, the defense thought better of presenting doctored evidence in the trial”.

IOW, they were afraid they’d get caught.
They lied, and when they weren't lying, they just did a poor job.

It was amateur hour, which you really don't expect to see at that level of visibility. Something like impeachment should bring out the best in both sides. The Dem side was practically flawless.

Yet they lost lol.

Something like impeachment should only be done when there is bipartisan support.

Nancy Pelosi said so. She must have been lying.
The contract with NYC was a hit to his liquidity. He’s gotta get out on front raising money to pad his bank account and make up for those lost funds.

Do you think Pence will run in 2024 against Trump and take the Evangelical vote?
trump will not run in '24. I don't think he'll even be alive. Pence is probably keeping his mouth shut in order to keep the trump base. trump is all about separating the under educated from their unemployment checks. I don't see any big money donors supporting him. Especially as the months pass, and corporations face massive boycotts if they dare to support any of the Republicans who supported the Jan. 6 terrorist attack. I'll be especially curious about Cruz/Graham...neither of which has to worry about re election anytime soon. But there will be guilt by association with either of them, so this will be interesting to watch.
I agree. He did little to help down ballots.
By default in a general election year, they overperformed. I don't think trump's base listens to him when he begs them to vote for others. Half of his base doesn't even vote normally, and I don't expect them to stay involved in politics with trump gone.
We already know how that's going to go. Thirty seconds of trump saying "vote for __________", followed by 59 minute and 30 seconds of "my election was stolen", "the biggest witch hunt in history", and a bunch of "lock her ups" thrown in for good measure.
Exactly! He did nothing for Republicans in '18. Even after begging people at his Klan rallies to vote for his candidate, claiming it would be a vote for him. This commission will be very helpful to Democrats in the coming years. There are quite a few Republicans whose hands are filthy.
This part was, anyway.

“None of these depositions should be done by Zoom. We didn’t do this hearing by Zoom,” van der Veen said. “These depositions should be done in person, in my office, in Philly-delphia. That’s where it should be done.”
That was definitely the most popular punchline in the entire affair.
Yet they lost lol.

Something like impeachment should only be done when there is bipartisan support.

Nancy Pelosi said so. She must have been lying.

It was the most bipartisan vote in impeachment history.

The GOP ignored the evidence. They doodled & read books. It was a pretty shameful display - they made political calculations, and that's it.

And they made the wrong ones. That party had a chance to cut ties with Trump - but they went the opposite direction. They decided to let him take the wheel.

Best of luck to them w/ that.
It was the most bipartisan vote in impeachment history.

The GOP ignored the evidence. They doodled & read books. It was a pretty shameful display - they made political calculations, and that's it.

And they made the wrong ones. That party had a chance to cut ties with Trump - but they went the opposite direction. They decided to let him take the wheel.

Best of luck to them w/ that.
Watching them eat their young is going to be fascinating.