Trump lies about his assets

Looks like that’s going to be a complicated trial.
I still don’t see how not paying back loans is criminal.
There is no debtor’s prison.
Regardless, him not returning the classified documents should be an easy case for Smith. That’s a slam dunk.

Not a crime. Trump has the authority to retain any document he wishes.
He didn't, Sock.
Bulverism. Bigotry.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,

You are describing DEMOCRATS again, Sock.

You forgot to call me Terry, dumbass.

Answer the question, Terry.
Hope Terry, I mean, Dutch Uncle doesn't notice... Whoopsie.
So, are you saying that Terry (aka Dutch), is an example of AUI (Artificial UnIntelligence)?
It's called a math error. People make them all the time. You have three 10,000 sq ft apts. you say you have a 30,000 sq ft apt instead. Math error, transposing numbers.

It's also called fraud, Terry. If you did it, you'd be up shit creek. All Pedo Don needs to do is bullshit is idiot fans and hire some fancy lawyers.
When Cohen was charged he told all who listened that Trump lied about his wealth, inflating it when he wanted a loan and cutting it at tax time.

so what you are saying is that Trump is like every other human being on the planet.......outrageous!.......
I’m no fan of trump but I don’t see where lying about the valuation of personal assets is against any law. If he did it to get loans that’s the bank’s responsibility to verify.
If he paid assessed property taxes, so what.

I believe that's why banks get appraisals whenever they take a mortgage on property.......lib'ruls must never have gotten a loan if they were unaware of that step......