They aren’t out to prove anything, rather plant the innuendos, their media will take it from there, and the wanting base will believe it
Agreed but i still think we have to point how hypocritical and stupid they are.
They cry about witch hunts, when Dem investigations end up with many charges and lots of people going to jail. Thus proving it was not a witch hunt.
Meanwhile investigation after investigation, like the Durham one still going now, almost never result in any charges as they were just witch hunts.
They did witch hunt after witch hunt chasing anything they could prosecute for Bill Clinton for and when they failed, Ken Starr and Brett Kavanaugh created a literal perjury trap. They knew that most people who are cheating on a spouse, and who think they can get away with it will lie about the affair. So they knew that would be a good perjury trap, because while that lie is legal to tell any other time, if they make the question part of an investigation, it then becomes against the law to lie. Perjury trap set!
And so they finally got Bill, when he predictably lied about cheating, and yet they had no underlying crime, just the process crime of lying about something legal to do.
So when you see Trump crying about 'Perjury traps', and see the GOP talk about 'process crimes with no underlying crime' , that is there fear the Dems will do to them, what they have been doing to Dem's for decades. But the Dem's do not do that. They bring real cases with real crime, as the GOP is full of real criminals, like Trump and his WH Cabinet.