“Trump makes moves to expand his power”

Of all the stupid shit you post, this one is probably the stupidest. In order to realize how important the Fed. govt. is you have to kill it.


I do agree that Musk should stop getting billions for his space toys, and Bezos should not get tax refunds. But what you offered is just nonsense.
cry harder. the federal government is the single most wasteful entity for both money and lack of ability to fix shit. There is a reason why the founders wanted their new central government to be limited and restricted in almost all ways. I don't care if you don't like it, but reality isn't always fun.
cry harder. the federal government is the single most wasteful entity for both money and lack of ability to fix shit. There is a reason why the founders wanted their new central government to be limited and restricted in almost all ways. I don't care if you don't like it, but reality isn't always fun.
Our population and infrastructure is just a wee bit changed from our founding. The reality is, the Founders might have thought that local governments can achieve better results than the Fed. govt. but in many cases they were wrong. Perhaphs Musk should return the billions he got for Tesla plants? Or for his space toys?

That would be a great start.
Our population and infrastructure is just a wee bit changed from our founding. The reality is, the Founders might have thought that local governments can achieve better results than the Fed. govt. but in many cases they were wrong. Perhaphs Musk should return the billions he got for Tesla plants? Or for his space toys?

That would be a great start.
you and the founders had vastly different ideas of the responsibilities of government. The founders believed that the government should safeguard our rights and freedoms, whereas you believe they should have more power to control and restrict the people of their rights and freedoms.
and here's the problem with this, congress holds the purse strings, but if they designate a portion of that to discretionary spending with the expectation that the executive is going to spend those funds in an unspoken way..............they can't bitch about it because they didn't actually do their job correctly.
None of it is discretionary, it has all been committed via Congress’s legislation, not open to Executive decision
then you can link us to the part of the budget bill that shows zero discretionary spending upon the executive office?
Congress decides the amount and the type of discretionary spending, as well as provides resources for mandatory spending, the only way the President can alter such is with the approval of the Congress, which Trump bypassed
you and the founders had vastly different ideas of the responsibilities of government. The founders believed that the government should safeguard our rights and freedoms, whereas you believe they should have more power to control and restrict the people of their rights and freedoms.
Incorrect. The Founders believed that the govt. should safeguard the rights and freedoms of wealthy white male land owners.

Anything that was updated after that was through bloodshed.
Incorrect. The Founders believed that the govt. should safeguard the rights and freedoms of wealthy white male land owners.

Anything that was updated after that was through bloodshed.
and yet it was the entire population of the country that ratified the Constitution, so your theory does not hold. try again.
“The new administration’s most provocative move came this week, as it announced it would temporarily halt federal payments. The technical-sounding directive had enormous immediate impact potentially pulling trillions of dollars from police departments, domestic violence shelters, nutrition services and disaster relief programs that rely on federal grants.”
One of Libtard drones favorite words :lolup: :lolup: The reality is no such thing happened or will.
“Though the Republican administration denied Medicaid was affected, it acknowledged the online portal allowing states to file for reimbursement from the program was shut down for part of Tuesday in what it insisted was an error.”
A short delay......OH NO that's never happened with the smart and well prepared Biden Admin........Oh wait, there was a significant delay of payments to States in 2023 and actually screwed many people who needed those funds by unnecessary delays. Oh my goodness. Those darn democrat simpletons, always with the 'good' intentions screw things up in the real world, not POTENTIALLY. LOL

"When the continuous enrollment requirement ended in March 2023, states began the process of redetermining eligibility, known as "unwinding." This process was fraught with challenges, including:
  • Administrative Burden: States had to process millions of eligibility redeterminations, leading to delays and errors.
  • Coverage Loss: Millions lost Medicaid coverage partly due to procedural issues or because they no longer qualified, which in turn affected the flow of federal Medicaid funds to states." Thank you Grok.......No delays during Trump's first time around either. hmmm
Legal experts noted the president is explicitly forbidden from cutting off spending for programs that Congress has approved. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to appropriate money and requires the executive to pay it out. A 50-year-old law known as the Impoundment Control Act makes that explicit by prohibiting the president from halting payments on grants or other programs approved by Congress.”
I wonder, are we talking about the legal experts that constantly get shit wrong yet the libtard news keeps going back for their anti-Trump legal opinions? I think that's who we're talking about. Besides, it's always fun to watch the drones get angry when we stop sending millions of dollars worth of condoms to terrorist. Luckily the majority of Americans are lovin' every dollar saved.
“The proposed halt on grants comes after Trump, who during the campaign pledged to be “a dictator on day one,” has taken a number of provocative moves to challenge legal constraints on his power. He fired the inspectors general of his Cabinet agencies without giving Congress the warning required by law, declared that there is an immigrant “invasion” despite low numbers of border crossings, is requiring loyalty pledges from new hires, challenged the constitutional guarantee of birthright citizenship and is moving career staff out of key positions at the Department of Justice to ensure his loyalists control investigations and prosecutions.”
There are so many Lib tard fantasies in this crap above it's not worth discussing. All of those claims have been talked about at nauseam. 'Trump said he wants to be a dictator, so I'M REALLY SCARED that he'll just declare himself one. It will happen, you wait and see"
Poor little morons, what can you do with the head shaving drones that have zero ability to take a joke. Again, luckily most Americans can and do. They as I do, appreciate a sense of humor, especially when it's purpose is to expose the simpletons that couldn't argue on merit, so they desperately tried to convince people what was so obviously not true, as Libtard Gospel. ROFL
Comedy here is that the one entity that Trump is shifting on is his own GOP Congress, in effect, making them irrelevant, and all these supposed lovers of the Constitution can’t kiss his ass fast enough to help him
I'm still missing the part of the Constitution that Trump ignored........can you help with that?
And the right said the Democrats were grandstanding when they portrayed Trump as a threat to out democracy
And still VERY MUCH DO. Libtards will never stop grandstanding and propaganda bullshit until they're reduced so much no one will give them a microphone, camera, or a pen. LOL