Trump Mocks Evangelical Supporters And Their Christian Prayers

I hear ya. If you can't be yourself, you might as well hang it up.
This girl from the 'hood told me I have "zero filter". I tell it like it is. Trump is the same way, and I like that!
It's not always advantageous to be that way, but that's how I am wired.
Tact? Oh! I am short on that.

And Trump bores easy, and he is a work-a-holic....getting turned down by his class sucked but it also drove him in a "Fuck you, a will be awesome without you and without your help" way and he doubled down on making hard smart work pay off. It also allowed him to see and understand what was going on in the country, that a lot of people understood as he did that the Elites sucked and were looking for a leader. That never would have happened had he been accepted into his class and remained in the bubble along with the rest, so I doubt very much that Trump at this point regrets that he was shunned. He is with Frank Sinatra "I did it my way".
No, not dishonest. Probably too honest. (and tactless)

If not, how come after 5 years of leftists actively 24/7 trying to dig everything they possibly can up on him, have they come up with so little?

You can't get blood out of a Turnip. :dunno:
No, he was dishonest. Trump has a long history of being a liar, like I said, it’s documented by many that you needed a witnesses whenever you did business with him, then, like now, he’d say one thing then denied he said it. He cheated contractors, he has always been a pathological liar and con man.
This is why other countries laugh at us

check out at :50 she goes full kook, yea trump really belives that :palm:

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She's a hot blonde with nice tatas. Derp!

Nationalism is Patriotism, you retarded goober! Are you with Americans, or against them? Sup?! :dunno:
What going on in the corner of her mouth?
Not Trump’s brand of Nationalism, it has been shot down numerous times by the Supreme Court.
Trump is the first atheist prez in a long time. He was never seen in then church he claimed membership of. He is not familiar with the bible and made himself look like a fool at Liberty school when he tried to fake it. He has been pro choice his whole life. Trump is a fake.

There is a current JPP thread claiming atheists are smarter. Does that apply to Trump?
And Trump bores easy, and he is a work-a-holic....getting turned down by his class sucked but it also drove him in a "Fuck you, a will be awesome without you and without your help" way and he doubled down on making hard smart work pay off. It also allowed him to see and understand what was going on in the country, that a lot of people understood as he did that the Elites sucked and were looking for a leader. That never would have happened had he been accepted into his class and remained in the bubble along with the rest, so I doubt very much that Trump at this point regrets that he was shunned. He is with Frank Sinatra "I did it my way".

Wow. Damn. Amazing.

If I was at all interested in writing a book about the mental pathology of cultists, the masses who got Hitler into power, and the current Cult of the Donald, this post would be quite informative to my students. Thank you for the glimpse inside the world of the marginally-insane. Can't say that I understand why you believe the shit you do, but I'm beginning to see why.

Trump is a corrupt, stupid, greedy, horny, amoral, sociopathic individual with a perpetual victim complex. This is why you Trumpanzees resonate with him. He is your mirror.

Damn. So sucks to be you.
If I was at all interested in writing a book about the mental pathology of cultists,...
... you'd have to find an educated person to do the writing for you.

... this post would be quite informative to my students.
You have students? So you are responsible for your share of the uneducated dimwits that try to emulate uneducated dimwits. What subjects do you unteach?

Thank you for the glimpse inside the world of the marginally-insane.
It is clear that you profess to be a psychologist ... when you can't handle basic formal logic, math fundamentals and you haven't the vaguest idea what science is.

Your TDS ranks among the wonders of the world, just not in a good way. You are the problem. Society would be better off without you.

Damn. So sucks to be you.

There was not enough context or information about the situation presented in the article to support the headline. Lefties are known to fuck with context of everything to do with Trump

LOL. The irony is so funny. :laugh:
My question stands. The OP includes the article and guno is responsible for the OP.

What do you think? Do you believe the article or is guno being his usual dishonest self?


Knowing Trump, I do believe it.
... and you don't know Trump.

So you will readily believe any lie about Trump. You have to know this is how you are being manipulated. If that's what you hope to get out of life then more power to you.

Yes I know Trump based on his history.

And please do not make false accusation about me. No I do not "readily" believe any lie about Trump. If this story turns out to be false, then I will concede. But the story is way too specific and it does sound like him.