Trump must have failed basic math.

35% was pre-impeachment. 49% is now. What part are you struggling with? I didn't see it as a time limited thing.

I am amused that you don't think you are gullible parroting the nonsense the PHONY media feeds you. ;)

14 is too big of a number for him to comprehend all at once.
You are correct, I completely forgot about his geographical incompetence. Hopefully, he wont plan an official visit to Lower Slobovia anytime soon.

Can you provide the names and geographical locations of the 7 additional states Obama claimed he visited?

Can you provide a map showing Savannah, Jacksonville, and Charleston on the gulf coast? Obama indicated that's where they were.

Can you provide something indicating Hawaii is part of Asia? Obama said he was "here in Asia" while speaking in Hawaii.

Seems you forgot about the black BOY's geographical incompetence. Either that or you're just kissing his ass like archives does.
I'm going to be as favorable as I can to Trump and take his LOWEST and HIGHEST approval ratings in the past 4 months
(RCP moving average).

LOWEST: Oct 26 2019 41.6%
HIGHEST: Feb 12 2020 45.3%

OMG, he put on a massive 3.7%! Is this the hugest ever?


That's hilarious. Where are all your threads about Democrat math? Like, how to pay for all the free stuff you're POTUS candidates are promising? And how even confiscation 100% of the wealth of the top 1% wouldn't even come close to paying for it? And you're seriously concerned about The Bad Orange Man's math skills concerning polls? Lol.

Surely, you are not still waiting for Mexico to pay for that Wall are you? If so, here is some info that you might find useful. First, Mexico was NEVER going to pay for a border wall. Second, Trump laughed his ass off every time he saw crowds of voting dumbasses buying into it.......)

^Doesn't think he is a dumbass. :laugh:
Trumps own statement was predicated on pre verses post impeachment ratings. I am simply amazed at the lengths that these tRump culties will go trying to defend his pathological lying.

More amazing is how idiots on the left think they are winning. Hey, why don't you stand behind your dogma and take my election bet. I haven't gotten one super intelligent, mathematical genius, highly educated leftist take it. Whats to fear right? You're so fucking supercalifragilistically intelligent. ;)
Trump has a bad poll that over rates his standings regularly. Trump is not interested in facts. He is selling a con and lies, why would he demand accuracy. Facts work against the TV show he is selling to an audience that cannot discriminate facts Trump said his ratings went up 9 percent, therefore they did.

Then you should feel confident in taking my election bet. I can't understand with all these great things going the Party of the Jackass's way, not one leftist hack on this forum will take my bet.
PSSSST. There wasn't 3 million illegal voters either. Your God lost the popular

Still conceding the argument and engaged in puerile memes. How is Trump my God? What does the popular vote have to do with Presidential elections?

I think we know why you have to concede and engage in lie filled puerile insults; you're uneducated and dumb. ;)
Surely, you are not still waiting for Mexico to pay for that Wall are you? If so, here is some info that you might find useful. First, Mexico was NEVER going to pay for a border wall. Second, Trump laughed his ass off every time he saw crowds of voting dumbasses buying into it.......)

So nothing about paying for free.....EVERYTHING? And how even confiscating 100% of the wealth of the 1% doesn't even come close to covering all of the "free stuff"? Cat got your tongue? Yello?
Trump has said MANY times, that he arrives at his own conclusiond. After all, he is the self professed "Super Genius".

Actually, Trump is the "Roadrunner". [Insert Dem attacking Trump here] is the "Super Genius". Every one of their efforts to thwart Trump ends up blowing up in their faces...
Since you seem to have major comprehension problems, the polls were pre-impeachment verses post-impeachment bump. Not covering a three year span. No wonder tRump loves gullible folks like yourself.....(

I'll ask again. Please provide me with the "before" poll and the "after" poll that Trump supposedly referenced. Provide me a link of him even making such a reference. I need information to work off of.