Mr. Tiny Penis, you the only poster on JPP that wants to shoot rebublicans. If I were you, I would look inwards. Stay away from pills and inoculations that are destroying your ability to think. God knows, weak men like you are a drain on society. In spite of that, we all wish you a speedy recovery in your quest for normalcy.You're free to suggest anything you like, Legina. The fact you've proved yourself a pussified piece of shit poster is beyond dispute. All you and I are discussing is just how big of a turdish human being your really are.
If you were less fucked up, you'd know that bullets fragment from hitting something such as a section of the stage, equipment on the stage, a piece of cable, anything.
The fact you spread hate against the US government, including the Trump appointee to the FBI, is another reason why I think you are just a bitter and cowardly piece of shit example of a human being, Legina.
Unless you change your ways, your family and your caretakers alike are better off without you.
BTW, bullets dont just magically fragment and nobody has offered any evidence to the contrary.