Verified User
Wash, rinse, repeat ..... LOL !
That's ok because people who hate us have tiny weeners.
But seriously, racist is just a word used by icepick bait. Besides Thomas Sankara, Muhammad Ar-Gaddafi, Nasser, and Idi Amin are/were great leaders, and guess what? They're all from Africa! But nevermind, I must be some dumb ass piece of trailer trash that prevented Hillary Clinton elected huh? Well the electoral college was created so Predatory urbanite scum like you wouldn't push liberalism on the working class. But I digress, Trump is not left wing enough on the economics to make much of a difference, it was neocon vs. neocon in the elections and Sanders and Stein were too kosher and libertine on the social end for me to care. That's why voting is mostly a joke in the U.S.
Our electoral college is our only saving grace and if you say "don't like it, leave" well it's basically idiots like you either forcing the rural population into economic or cultural poverty. Can't have one without the other, cupcake!
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Evince is just so awesome....there must be a BET award in there, somewhere.....I should gather up her posts and submit them.....
Can you just imagine her acceptance speech?
Ok, that doesn't make Any sense....but ok...We don't have to, you're going to make it happen, CFM can play his African banjo for the crowd; he loves playing it for the people who gave him the banjo, for the people he "supports".
Besides Thomas Sankara, Muhammad Ar-Gaddafi, Nasser, and Idi Amin are/were great leaders, and guess what? They're all from Africa!
We don't have to, you're going to make it happen, CFM can play his African banjo for the crowd; he loves playing it for the people who gave him the banjo, for the people he "supports".
Ok, that doesn't make Any sense....but ok...
Show of hands; who believes CFM when he says anything about himself?
So many icepicks, so little timeits why racists hate me you ass drip racist
Here, take this and use it on your scalp "liberally"bite a dead mules cock you worthless racist fuck
Racists are the most hated people on the planet
you shits want everyone to hate people of color
your such fucking failures that instead you make the world hate you loser fucks instead
I give it a couple years ... Melania will be looking for some Man Size Beef, after she no longer needs Do Von Tweety