Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending




Trump is not a socialist, twit.
Personally, I'd like to see Trump, if elected, do this.

On day 1 he issues an executive order that every agency of the federal government within 30 calendar days submit an exact word and page count of the regulations they currently have in the federal register. Until they do and it is correct (somebody is checking behind them), 10% of their current FY budget is withheld.

Once all those agencies submit their page and word count, a second executive order is produced. Remove 5% (the exact amount is variable here) by word count and page count by September 30, 2025. Until this goal is met, and verified, 10% of the agency's budget is withheld. This executive order does not preclude enforcing all current regulations, nor making new regulations, only that your agency will have 5% less words and pages of regulations by 9/30/25 or you lose 10% of your budget for the next FY.

Repeat 4 times over the administration. This means at the end of 4 years every agency of the federal government has gotten rid of, by page and word count, roughly 18% of their current regulations.

This would have an incredibly positive impact on the economy.
An interesting idea. He would have that authority over any department in the executive branch.
America is a huge country with an incredibly large population.

There are a lot of necessary rules and regulations.

Doing what you suggest would itself cost billions of dollars in man hours.

Just agreeing to what regulations should be cut would take years.

Totally undoable.
Very doable, and it wouldn't take years.
The POTUS can only directly affect discretionary spending....not sending across the board.

Learn American civics, dillwad.
There is no real difference between the President's power over nondiscretionary and discretionary spending. Both have to be budgeted by Congress. Congress promised nondiscretionary spending ahead of time, but does not actually need to do it.

If you want to "reinterpret" the Constitution to give the President the right to rewrite the budget, he can remove discretionary and nondiscreationary spending.

More importantly, trump wants to hit nondiscreationary spending badly. Look for your Medicare, and Social Security to be cut severely.
The Constitution gives control over spending to Congress, but Trump and his aides maintain that the president should have much more discretion — including the authority to cease programs altogether, even if lawmakers fund them. Depending on the response from the Supreme Court and Congress, Trump’s plans could upend the balance of power between the three branches of the federal government.

Who still reads or believes anything the Washington Post prints? DUH!!!

The Washington Post supports a corrupt, senile, grifting, racist, divisive dipshit who can't find his way off a stage. Their credibility to anyone with a brain is ZERO.
Trump only cares about how government can benefit trump.

Really? That must be why he left office poorer and never took a salary right, you dumb fucking cunt?

You leftists are such pathetic, clueless morons on steroids. It is stunning you can tie your shoes every morning.
They want fascism.

Democrats? Absolutely!! They are all about an autocratic, lawless, third world shit hole. Just look at the cities they are in complete control of.

One has to wonder how incredibly retarded voters are to enjoy wallowing in these lawless cesspools.
America is a huge country with an incredibly large population.

There are a lot of necessary rules and regulations.

Doing what you suggest would itself cost billions of dollars in man hours.

Just agreeing to what regulations should be cut would take years.

Totally undoable.

bull·shit (bo͝ol′shĭt′)

1. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.

2. Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere.


1. a person who exaggerates or lies.