Do you think it looks any better for Trump or his Administration and/or Republicans more generally, if we make the same chart based solely on convictions and guilty verdicts?
The GOP for decades now has been a magnate for criminals who believed 'better to do crime in gov't than outside of it'.
Thanks to Trump, the GOP then became a magnate for conspiracy theorists, and Qanon nuts, who suddenly looked at the GOP as the big time platform for their grifting garbage.
And lastly thanks to Trump, people like George Santos who prior, as small time liars and conmen, faking their education, charity activity, etc to grift, have said 'hold my beer, if Trump can take his grift and lies all the way to the WH there is no reason we should not all run for Congress'.
Every degradation of gov't is lead by the GOP, top brass leading by example and the small time grifters seeing it and thinking 'I can aspire to bigger things', ala Marjorie Greene.