Trump pleaded the fifth more than 400 times in fraud deposition

His eyes squinted with rage. You just know he wished he was POTUS again so he could attack the lawyer the way he used to attack the press.

A woman doing this to him probably increased his rage. The squinty eyes and the arms crossed high over his chest and big belly, it was all very amusing. You know he is seething the tape was released.
...and perjury is a crime. Ergo, the best option is the Fifth Amendment.
Yes. When he's tried criminally. He will be judged negatively in this trial because of his refusal to answer, but that's still better than going on record now and getting caught lying. He would also lay the foundation for criminal evidence later if he opened his yap.
Correct. (Benghazi) But Dutch throws Hillary's name into every discussion about crime out of habit.

The 5th did NOT work for OJ in his civil trial. Of course, he chose to open his big mouth instead of using it.

This civil case is going to recover another $1.5 million in penalties, but it will also lay a foundation for a future criminal trial.
I’m pretty sure Dutch has a secret crush on Hillary, he’s a bit obsessed with her.
A woman doing this to him probably increased his rage. The squinty eyes and the arms crossed high over his chest and big belly, it was all very amusing. You know he is seething the tape was released.
Also by design for sure.

And trump has ever had to stand up to scrutiny. Fred and 'Lil Fred escaped charges for racist business practices by adhering to a consent decree that forced them to pay fines.

First his tax returns that proved he's no billionaire, and now this.

And...he's getting his ass kicked in court by judges who have had enough of his standard stalling schemes.

AND...nobody loves him anymore.
Stevens had two bosses; one knew what he was doing and the other did not.
Both told him to stay at the embassy. He refused despite his head of security guaranteeing him that he would die if he went to Benghazi.

Stevens was extremely dedicated, and a man of his people. He went to Benghazi despite knowing that he would never return.
I’m pretty sure Dutch has a secret crush on Hillary, he’s a bit obsessed with her.
LOL. He doth protest too much. Notwithstanding him seeing the light with trump, he's a lifelong Republican. Old habits die hard even if he votes third party now for POTUS
Both told him to stay at the embassy. He refused despite his head of security guaranteeing him that he would die if he went to Benghazi.

Stevens was extremely dedicated, and a man of his people. He went to Benghazi despite knowing that he would never return.

You're free to believe Stevens was suicidal and disobeyed orders.
I hope at least that.
This case is going to set him back a couple of million.

Ga. doesn't look good for him, but I'm sure Kemp would pardon him anyway.

He's bilked the under educated for tens of million to cover his legal expenses. In the end it might not cost him a penny, as he never pays his lawyers.
He really disliked the tough women reporters, Katy Tur was another.
Yes. During the first election. Then she got a promotion and she came in off the road. He hated all press that challenged him, but the women who did it made him seethe.