tRump proves that the "R" in Republican really stands for RACIST.

Even Republicans agree this was the most secure election in our history. There was not massive fraud. Trump lost, primarily because he FUBAR'd the COVID response. As disliked as he was before COVID, sitting Presidents tend to win reelection unless, like with GHW Bush, there was an economic crisis near the election.

If Trump had been smart, or sane, he would have eaten the economic hits to his hotel and tourism empire, but would have won in the long run. Instead, he fucked himself and the nation in the process.

Exactly. This was tRump's tRump's re-election victory to screw up and screw it up royally is EXACTLY what he managed to do.
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Exactly. This was tRump's r-election victory to screw up and screw it up royally is EXACTLY what he managed to do.

Agreed. Now that he fucked it up so badly, President Donald "I take no responsibility" Trump is trying to make it the Democrat's fault he lost.
tRump is one of these pathetic people that always has to blame others for his own failures.
Agreed. If he didn't have a silver spoon up his ass since birth, he would have been just another nut job like Teflon Don or Arminus screaming on the Internet and living in a shithole.
Agreed. If he didn't have a silver spoon up his ass since birth, he would have been just another nut job like Teflon Don or Arminus screaming on the Internet and living in a shithole.

I'm guessing that the mind that controls tRump is nothing more than a "shithole".
Odd didn't Biden have white supremacists backing him and claim your not black if you didn't vote for me, basically saying blacks were to stupid to choose a candidate that has done more for them then he ever did ?
You should look at blow hole joes crime bill that resulted in untold numbers of blacks being arrested and having severe penaltys

by the way the south was supported by the KKK a democrat group .

Ancient history. Today the racist overwhelmingly is right wing and the above picture proves it.
I'm guessing that the mind that controls tRump is nothing more than a "shithole".
He's mentally ill; most probably a personality disorder with a delusional disorder.

I'm looking forward to living long enough to have this era in our history fully analyzed and assessed. Is there any doubt that Trump's idea of injecting disinfectant is among the mildest things he's suggested?

Translation: You're right, Granule. The Left is the worst thing that ever happened to America's negroes - so who's going to stop us? *giggle*

Why do you suppose every white supremacist group supports the right if it isn't the right that is racist? Why do you suppose that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the left in every election?
Ancient history. Today the racist overwhelmingly is right wing and the above picture proves it.

Agreed dragging up political party history before the CRA is severely outdated and not applicable. It's like claiming Republicans aren't racist because Lincoln freed the slaves. While it's true, there's NFW the Republicans of today are like the Republicans of yore.
Why do you suppose every white supremacist group supports the right if it isn't the right that is racist? Why do you suppose that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the left in every election?

You are asking a tRumpanzee an intelligent question. Hopefully, you are not expecting an intelligent answer.
He's mentally ill; most probably a personality disorder with a delusional disorder.

I'm looking forward to living long enough to have this era in our history fully analyzed and assessed. Is there any doubt that Trump's idea of injecting disinfectant is among the mildest things he's suggested?


What I find most ironic is that our JPP friends "Walk like a Racist". "Talk like a Racist". "Worship a POTUS who is clearly a racist". "Support minority voter intimidation" which is clearly racist, yet SCREAM bloody murder when you call them a "Racist". You would think that they would "own it", yet they run from it.
What I find most ironic is that our JPP friends "Walk like a Racist". "Talk like a Racist". "Worship a POTUS who is clearly a racist". "Support minority voter intimidation" which is clearly racist, yet SCREAM bloody murder when you call them a "Racist". You would think that they would "own it", yet they run from it.

While I agree, part of the problem is that Democrats have been screaming "racist" and "fascist" at Republicans for 50 years. Democrats screamed "racist" every time a Republican disagreed with Obama. Sometimes they were correct, but mostly they were mislabeling a purely political difference. Hence, again, the term "racist" is watered down.

Additionally, while there are certainly elements of racism, IMO, they are mostly elements of economic differences. Is it racist to use politics to prevent lower-income Democrats from influencing politics? No. Is it wrong? Yes. What if most of those lower-income Democrats happen to be minorities? Racist or not? Not, IMO.
I agree in part and disagree in part. Republicans want to suppress minority votes. That is racism in its purest form. You can try to "sugarcoat" it by calling it a political strategy, but putting lipstick on a pig changes nothing. You may have a more palatable pig, but you still have a pig.
You guys really need new talking points. The "das rayciss" is old and worn out, and clearly no longer working.
You guys really need new talking points. The "das rayciss" is old and worn out, and clearly no longer working.

If you dont like the subject being discussed, then simply don't read it. Problem solved. Next.

You could always take some initiative and start YOUR own thread instead of making a "lame" attempt at hijacking someone elses. Then again, independent thinking is toxic to a tRumpanzee.
Yes you lost
The fact that you live in denial is both hilarious and sad.
Show us the PROOF of voter fraud. Where is it? Why was it not presented in court?
The bottom line is that you are a "conditioned" tRump ass-monkey, with a severe case of mouth diarrhea with nothing else.

Now, you get FOUR years minimum to watch Biden be POTUS. The same way we had to watch the current "Ivanka-luster" play golf while American die due to his incompetence.
You squawk too soon, fuckface.

Just sit your fat ass down and watch. It's not over yet. ;)