Trump Racist Propaganda

Looks like it is time to compile a list of all the things that lefties have posted so far on this thread, things that answer the opening post. Below is a quote from post #1

Lefties, this thread is going to be your jackpot. The idea with this thread, is to post all allegations, accusations, or any other unsubstantiated propaganda that suggests Trump is a racist. Unlike the other thread where I was requesting actual evidence of Trump being a racist, this thread is for unsubstantiated claims.


So, lets see what lefties believe to be fiction. All we have to do is look at what lefties are posting, and we can see what they know to be non evidence.

Below is a quote from nerdburger, post 6

They were guilty and agreed to follow the orders of the court to put ads in the paper saying they would not discriminate against minorities, in general and blacks in specific. They promised not to discriminate anymore. The Trump rental agents admitted they were instructed to code applications according to color.

Obviously, nerdburger feels that this matches the criteria of the opening post, so he posted it here on the non evidence thread.

Here is a bunch stuff from Leon in post 11.

Trump was later fined $200,000 by the New Jersey Casino Control
Commission for that act of disgusting racism.
In the 1990s, John O'Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza
Hotel and Casino, wrote a book about his time working with Donald
Trump. O'Donnell reported that Trump frequently denigrated African
Americans. He remembers a lot, but he specifically remembers Trump
saying of his accountants:

I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza.
Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of
people I want counting my money are short guys that wear
yarmulkes every day.

That is what he said.
Speaking of another African-American employee, Trump told O'Donnell:

I think the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault
because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I
believe that.

Obviously, Leon has a long list of stuff he knows to be nothing but propaganda, which is why he has added these items to the list of non evidence.
Cite, liar.

Life Magazine | November 29th, 1969

... Sometimes he preaches on the legacy of slavery, and one senses that as he stands up there, his eyes ablaze, arms flailing, neck veins rigid, he is feeling every lash of every old whip. During these sermons Jackson sweats profusely, the only visible symptom of sickle-cell trait, a chronic blood disease that saps his stamina but which he ignores in the drama of the moment. Jackson talks about himself at these meetings. Once he told of his days as a waiter at the Jack Tar Hotel in his home town of Greenville, S.C. Just before leaving the kitchen he would spit into the food of white patrons he hated and then smilingly serve it to them. He did this, he said, "because it gave me psychological gratification." It was something everybody in the audience understood.Don't believe it? Read the first two pages of the original Life Magazine article.

Any questions?
This thread has indeed been the lefty jackpot that I described in post #1. Lotsa accusations and allegations, lotsa dropped or dismissed cases. I am very impressed with how lefties have been able to stick to what was requested in the opening post.

Below is yet another item that one of the lefties has listed as propaganda or non evidence. Thank you for your contribution to the list of known non evidence items.

This thread has indeed been the lefty jackpot that I described in post #1. Lotsa accusations and allegations, lotsa dropped or dismissed cases. I am very impressed with how lefties have been able to stick to what was requested in the opening post.

Below is yet another item that one of the lefties has listed as propaganda or non evidence. Thank you for your contribution to the list of known non evidence items.

Trump consent decree


Here's my prediction. That Evmetro will post some babbling piece of horseshit, then predict that when he is called on said horseshit will respond with "I told you so!"

Thank you in advance for proving me right.
Between Jesse and Trump I am sure you voted for one of them.
I didn't.
You called me a liar and asked me to cite the facts I posted. As you now know, I didn't lie and did cite what you asked me to cite.
Now, you can act like a human being and thank me for citing as per your request and apologize to me for calling me a liar as well.
You called me a liar and asked me to cite the facts I posted. As you now know, I didn't lie and did cite what you asked me to cite.
Now, you can act like a human being and thank me for citing as per your request and apologize to me for calling me a liar as well.

You should feel honored when a lefty calls you a liar. It means you win and they lose. When a lefties are defeated, they will call you a racist or a liar. If you kicked the lefty ass hard enough, they will also tell you how you have made their ignore list.
You should feel honored when a lefty calls you a liar. It means you win and they lose. When a lefties are defeated, they will call you a racist or a liar. If you kicked the lefty ass hard enough, they will also tell you how you have made their ignore list.
That PoliTalker poster just did that ignore thing and I hardly kicked at all! LOL!
You should feel honored when a lefty calls you a liar. It means you win and they lose. When a lefties are defeated, they will call you a racist or a liar. If you kicked the lefty ass hard enough, they will also tell you how you have made their ignore list.

You play it both ways, don't you? What a joke.

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Domer76. Kicking your ass since 5/17

Now, all you have to do is switch off the consent decree display options, and it will always say that the government found Trump guilty of racism against Mexicans, Muslims, blacks, and women.
Looks like lefties might finally be done listing all the non evidence. Apparently the biggest piece of non evidence is the consent decree. Lefties have apparently taken notice to how the consent decree specifies that all allegations were dismissed, and of course that the allegations were indeed just that.
In the real world, lefties end up having to go back a half century to Trump's real estate ventures, just so that they can lock into something that is actually connected to the "race" part of racism. There are several allegations, accusations, and dismissed cases involving Trump and black people, and this is typically where lefties have to go in order to fulfill the "race" part of racism. Many lefties feel that the quantity alone of allegations, accusations, and dismissed cases somehow qualifies as evidence, so a thread like this is where ideas like that belong.
