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It is absolutely amazing how much Christianity has been attacked in this thread alone.Guno צְבִי;5959497 said:Trump says Christianity is under attack
It is absolutely amazing how much Christianity has been attacked in this thread alone.Guno צְבִי;5959497 said:Trump says Christianity is under attack
It is absolutely amazing how much Christianity has been attacked in this thread alone.
It is absolutely amazing how much Christianity has been attacked in this thread alone.
It is absolutely amazing how much Christianity has been attacked in this thread alone.
He negotiated it.
not big box retail and grocery.
our right to shop is the only sacrosanct right.
Right, like I said, we can question a lot of things related to COVID, but that's a separate topic from the claim that Christians are/Christianity is under attack. Lockdowns were not a) implemented by only Dems and b) not directed at Christians.
I'm waiting for an example of what Dems are preventing Christians from doing, that they believe they should be able to do, or an example of what Dems are forcing Christians to do, that they don't want to do, to demonstrate the "attack".
why should churches have been closed though.
why an exception for anything?
allowing Walmart to stay open is obvious proof of the fascist intention of lockdown..
lockdown was bigger businesses way to eliminate competition.
the corporations used the government.
textbook fascism.
corporations are not morally pure nor above totalitarianism.
Churches were closed because they were large gatherings, but church isn't the only gathering events that were closed. All sporting events were closed.
Stores, like Walmart, were allowed to remain open because people still need to buy food, clothes and other household items.
But, again, that's a separate discussion from the so-called attack on Christians/Christianity.
how is everyone going to wallmart safer than everyone going to church?
these exceptions prove the whole thing was a lie.
like blm gatherings also being immune to covid, mysteriously.
stop being a lying douche.
I don't think people were any safer shopping for groceries, but one fulfilled a need (food and other goods) and the other, like a sporting events, is not a need.
The BLM protests being permitted was embarrassingly idiotic.
it's not a separate discussion because spirituality is also a competitor to corporate consumerism, and the fascists are also willing to shut that down.
big box retail exceptions proved it was all scientifically a lie.
it actually concentated people at a few high traffic spots..
it was all a lie.
you people will have to come clean about all of it to ever be allowed near power again.
Spirituality has been around for centuries. I haven't seen an impact on consumer behavior.
Like I said previously, some states (probably among the most Christian/spiritual) had no lockdowns. Those same states didn't require masks. States made their own decisions. The federal government didn't force any state to lockdown. California basically self-obliterated it's economy and hundreds of businesses. If there is some grand Dem conspiracy, how would you explain probably THE most liberal state being hit the hardest while several of the most conservative states operating business as usual?
you don't want to see it.
if corporations can make people purely materialistic, they will always look at goods and services as the path to happiness.
buddhism is anti-shopping-addiction, for instance.
Yes. He negotiated it.
Are you deliberately attacking my Christianity for the sole purpose of being offensive while making no other substantive point whatsoever?[Satanic artwork deleted]
Guno צְבִי;5959497 said:Former President Donald Trump is stoking fears that Christianity is under attack, a theme many Christian nationalists believe is true. CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan reports from Wisconsin where the movement has united three pastors to combat what they say is a threat.
It is trump who has the plans for "freedom cities" where productive people will be rounded up and forced to work for him.
if you kidnapped someone and then negotiated the ransom it's all ok?
is this your final answer?