trump says he want to shut down the government

It is investors, day traders and computer trading that caused the crash and is creating another one. These cycles were created by Libertarian philosophy of Greenspan. While we have had economic instability since he set policy, the government has been unable to rein in the excesses due to bankers power and money. Bernanke was instrumental is saving the economy after the Bush crash. Yellen kept it humming along. They absolutely did not create a bubble. That was done during Bush and no administration has had the power to rein the bankers in. But Trump is accelerating it. He is dismantling the CFPB. as an example.

The real creator of the bubbles was Phil Gramm who got the "financial Acts" passed at the end of Clinton's presidency. He got it passed in a very late night lame duck session . He got rid of Glass Steagal and allowed banks to gamble with depositors money. Gramm tried over and over to get Glass removed. His wife was an Enron Exec. After it was passed ,a couple Dems like Durbin came out and said we had passed a bill that was a threat to the economic stability of the US. Even after the messes we have had, the Dems still cannot get it fixed. You know Trump will not do the right thing.,

Reality: It was a liberal policy that allowed the Bush era Housing Bubble......Big Brother made the banks end money to the masses that had substandard credit histories and could not afford to pay the TAX PAYER guaranteed loans of Fredie and Fanny back to the banks. Thus.....Big Brother had no choice but to give the BIG BANKS the guaranteed loan monies lost when the Real Property Values were established.

I suppose you have never heard of Andrew Cuomo? Nor the fact that He sued the Banks and forced them to lend money for home loans to countless thousands of unqualified people based solely upon the color of their skin instead of Income, Credit Score and History of payment.
The groundwork for the bubble has its antecedents back in Greenspans days. He was a Libertarian who wanted to end all financial regulation because he believed that bankers were benign and would naturally do the right thing. One of his followers, Phil Gramm pushed over and over to pass banking deregulation. He finally got it through in a very late night .lame duck session of congress. When it was over a few Dems, including Durbin came out and warned us what they had done. It ended Glass Steagal and much regulation allowing banks to use depositors money for investing. He said it was a dangerous and bad mistake.

This is the genesis of the "bubble". The CFPB bureau actually stops banks from many of the acts that still create dangerous banking policies.

The mortgage bubble was not a home loan problem. It was using mortgages to back exotic banking schemes. Bankers charged home loan companies with getting as many mortgages as possible. They forced them to drop standards over and over. Mortgages were the backing for derivatives. Banks cooerced the rating agencies to permit nearly any home loan and any derivative to pass through.

Those conditions were not addressed. It is slowly happening again.

Ok, well it's a lie that Greenspan wanted to end all financial regulation. The repeal of Glass-Steagal did not cause the financial crash. And it was not pushed through in the late of the night. It was something the Clinton Administration pushed for along with Republicans in Congress.

I'll restate what I wrote above: The housing bubble and subsequent crash received its impetus from the government pushing for higher home ownership and the Fed's easy money policies.

Look at the policies of the Clinton and Bush administration that pushed home ownership. And to get that number higher they had to reach people who were less able to afford it. And they were able to do that with the help of Fannie and Freddie. That was the basis of what the bankers were trading.

QE has pushed an asset bubble and it includes housing. We are seeing it again.
Ok, well it's a lie that Greenspan wanted to end all financial regulation. The repeal of Glass-Steagal did not cause the financial crash. And it was not pushed through in the late of the night. It was something the Clinton Administration pushed for along with Republicans in Congress.

I'll restate what I wrote above: The housing bubble and subsequent crash received its impetus from the government pushing for higher home ownership and the Fed's easy money policies.

Look at the policies of the Clinton and Bush administration that pushed home ownership. And to get that number higher they had to reach people who were less able to afford it. And they were able to do that with the help of Fannie and Freddie. That was the basis of what the bankers were trading.

QE has pushed an asset bubble and it includes housing. We are seeing it again.

Don't drink and post. You are wrong. It was the elimination of Glass Steagal that allowed banks to mix deposits with their investments. It was The Gramm banking bills that laid the groundwork for the crash. No ,it was not Cuomo. Yes Gramms bill was a late night session. I fucking watched it. QE has nothing to do with the 2008 crash. The laws that were pushed then, are still in effect.
Don't drink and post. You are wrong. It was the elimination of Glass Steagal that allowed banks to mix deposits with their investments. It was The Gramm banking bills that laid the groundwork for the crash. No ,it was not Cuomo. Yes Gramms bill was a late night session. I fucking watched it. QE has nothing to do with the 2008 crash. The laws that were pushed then, are still in effect.

Don't drink and post? That wouldn't be any fun.

The repeal of Glass Steagal was a massive piece of legislation. As stated before it was pushed by the Clinton Administration so this idea it was passed under the dark of night and no one knew about it before hand is a false one.

Who mentioned Cuomo?

QE has to do with the upcoming crash.

No it was not groundwork for the crash though there are people who disagree on this issue.
just wait silly child again yesterday in missouri where trump won big 28 points a democrat
won this makes about 6/7 races where trump won big and democrats now have won you
can lay on your back laughing now come the elections you'll be lying in you casket crying :thumbsup:

Personally, I would love to see the government shut down other than a select few critical functions. I don't recall seeing or hearing anything about Trump wanting to arbitrarily shut it down as you describe in you thread title, but I would love to see it happen. Do you have a link to the media source that is reporting this arbitrary shut down? The only media I can find where Trump and a government shutdown are connected seem to also be connected with immigration. Please post the link to this arbitrary shutdown that is not connected with immigration.

Hmm, let me guess. You get to decide what "critical functions" should remain operating, right?

Here's your link: