Trump shared nuclear secrets with friends

Again how would the 80+ witnesses know that what Trump was saying were secrets? Answer the question.

Why does that make any difference at all? Maybe they didn't know they were secrets. Maybe trump told them they were secrets like he did with the plans for attacking Iran that were taped. If Smith has 80 people he can put on the stand and ask them what they were told and they do, that is evidence of trumps treason.
We are in deep nuclear sub cooperation with Australia ...Trump talking about it was completely appropriate.

The guy was a private businessman and had nothing to do with the Austrailian govt. Your comment is fucking stupid, typical of you.
This would be funny if it weren't true.

How long can YOU be near Trump without learning secret information?
Gee, how long can a person go in Trumps company without hearing something they are not supposed to? Is it measured in seconds, or in hours? Days seems too long. Fortunately, to answer this question, there’s the Trump Top Secret Challenge! Almost anyone can play! The only objective is that you spend 24 hours around Donald Trump without learning any classified information. Anyone can try! If you win, they give you a T-shirt (printed all over with state secrets), but nobody has won it yet.
Nope. They are fine with Trump giving away the countries most closely held secrets. I'm sure our allies are thrilled.

'Well, maybe it wasn't SUPER secret, so, you know, it's all good. Just Trump being Trump.'
More locker room talk, boys will be boys.
Months after leaving the White House, former President Donald Trump discussed potentially sensitive information about U.S. nuclear submarines with a member of his Mar-a-Lago Club -- an Australian billionaire who then allegedly shared the information with scores of others, including more than a dozen foreign officials, several of his own employees, and a handful of journalists, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The potential disclosure was reported to special counsel Jack Smith's team as they investigated Trump's alleged hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the sources told ABC News. The information could shed further light on Trump's handling of sensitive government secrets.

Prosecutors and FBI agents have at least twice this year interviewed the Mar-a-Lago member, Anthony Pratt, who runs U.S.-based Pratt Industries, one of the world's largest packaging companies.

According to Pratt's account, as described by the sources, Pratt told Trump he believed Australia should start buying its submarines from the United States, to which an excited Trump -- "leaning" toward Pratt as if to be discreet -- then told Pratt two pieces of information about U.S. submarines: the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads they routinely carry, and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected.

Lovely. So let's vote for the corrupt treasonous pig again, shall we?

If any other citizen (or non-citizen) had done this, they would be in prison.
Lovely. So let's vote for the corrupt treasonous pig again, shall we?

If any other citizen (or non-citizen) had done this, they would be in prison.

There is no redemption to be had for voting for an orangutan once.
On the global level, nobody would now be surprised if idiot Americans do it again.

Trump's treason and corruption are more than bad enough,
but his total lack of class is truly insufferable from my perspective.:whoa:
There are some interesting words in all that like, "potentially" sensitive and the "supposed" exact number of war heads and how close they can "supposedly" can get to a Russian submarine.

Someone could say floridafan "supposedly" has a brain. Or "potentially" has the ability to think or a "supposed" idiot.

That's because, according to the Constitution, Trump is innocent until proven guilty. I'm taking bets that he will be convicted in court for these crimes. When that happens, all the "potentially" and "supposed" words will be removed.
I think that the pigfucking orangutan deserves some credit.

Unlike the previous pachy POTUS,

he can at least pronounce "nuclear."
We are in deep nuclear sub cooperation with Australia ...Trump talking about it was completely appropriate.

Sure, if he was talking to an Australian governmental official or to military people with both clearance and a need to know. But he wasn't. He was talking to a customer of Mar-A-Lardo, a businessman, a private citizen with no clearance -- or even interest personal or otherwise -- in the details of our nuclear sub fleet and its capabilities. Then said customer shared this information with dozens of others, many of whom have testified under oath about what they were told. *That* could be considered hearsay. But what #TRE45ON told Mr. Pratt is not. BTW, Mr. Pratt has testified as well, under oath.
There is no redemption to be had for voting for an orangutan once.
On the global level, nobody would now be surprised if idiot Americans do it again.

Trump's treason and corruption are more than bad enough,
but his total lack of class is truly insufferable from my perspective.:whoa:

We had better hope to the gods if the corpulent corruption wins in 2024, he is surrounded by the likes of Gen. Milley and Col. Vindman, and that they take whatever steps necessary to keep classified information away from his fried-chicken-stained hands.
That's because, according to the Constitution, Trump is innocent until proven guilty. I'm taking bets that he will be convicted in court for these crimes. When that happens, all the "potentially" and "supposed" words will be removed.

Don't worry, when Trump is found guilty, assholes like Yak will find other excuses for why they should continue to suck his dick.
Don't worry, when Trump is found guilty, assholes like Yak will find other excuses for why they should continue to suck his dick.

Haters gonna hate. Like Yak, they are just looking for an excuse to express their bubbling brew of bile.

IMO, most people who hate actually hate themselves but are so weak and/or stupid, that rather than accept responsibility for their own lives, they'd rather blame all their problems on others. In the case of Yak and the other Alt-Righties, it's the Jews, the Blacks, the Mexicans, the Left, the Marxists, etc, etc, etc. Everyone and everything except themselves.
No, it’s not, these people have no authority or reason to know these secrets, they are private citizens.

So was Trump. This was not an official discussion. It was Trump flexing, and the idiot from Australia doing the same I suspect he DID deal with government officials. From Saudi Arabia at the very least. Our allies may never trust us again.
So was Trump. This was not an official discussion. It was Trump flexing, and the idiot from Australia doing the same I suspect he DID deal with government officials. From Saudi Arabia at the very least. Our allies may never trust us again.

America has been eroding the trust of our allies since GW invaded Iraq. The chaotic departure out of Afghanistan left our allies hanging high and dry. Trump's willingness to kowtow to Putin and let him run roughshod over Europe plus giving him secrets, his attacks on NATO and push for US isolationism (giving Putin and Xi a free hand around the world) only adds to the distrust.