Red Jenkins
Verified User
You can always try again with yet another username their "sockboy"
What other user name do I have ?
You can always try again with yet another username their "sockboy"
What other user name do I have ?
Name a few instances of past presidents placing unqualified lackeys in key positions in the intelligence sector. My guess is that you can't. We have not had a past president as vindictive, self-serving and mentally unstable as tRump. Even career intelligence folks are raising concerns.
Given how your tRumpworshipping turned out, I don't blame you for being embarrassed enough to return under a new name.
Well, calling them "unqualified" doesn't change that the very definition of "deep state" is the folks that Obama and other Presidents have put in place to keep their policies moving after they leave office. I do not believe that leftist beliefs qualify folks for anything either... so, again. The same thing every President that wanted more than a temporary effect has done in the past. This time you "really really" don't like the President so it becomes... "Hey look at what he's doing!"... I get that. During the crappy leadup to Trump's Presidency one of the reasons that some conservatives were quite upset at his total lack of experience was that as long as it took for him to get folks aligned and ready to be voted on in the Senate allowed the "deep state" to grow incredibly.
I get your issue, but I see nothing here that is different from past administrations.
You are incorrect. I don't buy the "deep state" bullshit in any fashion. As far as tRump goes, he has obstructed a Biden transition in virtually every way possible. For tRump, these "placements" are simply a continuation of his obstruction mindset.
Agsin, please list some past presidents ordering last minute placing of unqualified lackeys in key positions in the intelligence community.
Well, let's see what's wrong with this title:
First off, the link to CNN is a story about a single person being tapped for a single position, so either the above plurals are an accident or they're a deliberate lie.
Then there's nothing in the link that Ellis, the person in question is "unqualified." So, this clearly is a lie and hyperbole.
"(B)urrow" is also hyperbole. As the article points out:
That is, Biden can remove him. So, it's clear that Trump's appointment isn't "burrow(ing)" anyone anywhere, at least in the case of the article.
So, another thread started by a Leftist that is replete with lies, hyperbole, and misinformation. How usual...
Trump has done the with several people. It is a Trumpian sabotage plan .