Let It Burn!
Trump Supporters Are Begging Him For Their Jobs Back
"My wife is in tears! Please, Mr. President, fix this mistake!”
Dear Humans,
Trump’s hiring freeze has left his own supporters jobless and humiliated. Now, they’re begging him to fix the chaos he caused—and the irony is nothing short of divine. Grab some popcorn; it’s time for thy daily dose of schadenfreude.
1. MAGA, You’re Fired!
Trump’s executive order hiring freeze has slammed the brakes on countless federal job offers, leaving his own supporters out in the cold. Stories are pouring in of devastated MAGA voters who packed their bags, uprooted their families, and eagerly awaited new opportunities—only to have those job offers rescinded at the last minute. Whoops!They’ve now taken to social media to beg him for help. One supporter wailed online:
“My wife is in tears! We spent thousands to move for a VA job, and now the offer is gone. Please, Mr. President, fix this mistake!”
Another MAGA voter lamented:
Donald Trump “Please help! The federal hiring freeze is causing my boyfriend to no longer have a job….We are about to be homeless with a 4 month old little girl. We need your help!”
Yet another MAGA voter’s spouse lost their job due to the hiring freeze and thought that jumping in real Donold’s mentions would actually get him to help. Sad.
Whoops! That’s what you get when you support a fascist conman.