Trump Supporters Are Begging Him For Their Jobs Back "My wife is in tears! Please, Mr. President, fix this mistake!”

Actually it's a lot better than good,...its fantastic! We can pretty much do whatever we want to. Do you know why we act like we own the place? Because WE DO! :mun:Heck,...we may even decide to deport YOU simply for being a Democrat!


Actually it's a lot better than good,...its fantastic! We can pretty much do whatever we want to. Do you know why we act like we own the place? Because WE DO! :mun:Heck,...we may even decide to deport YOU simply for being a Democrat!

:bigthink: Not a bad idea.
America just isn't ready for a woman President yet but the time is coming ,
As I have said many times before I think Tammy Duckworth would be a very good President , Now if we can get her to run.

She would be excellent, and so would our governor, Gretchen Whitmer. We moved up here in 2016, just in time to vote for her in her first term. We were impressed by her leadership. But what sealed the deal was her response during the pandemic. She gave press conferences several times a week to update us on the latest developments and what the state was doing to mitigate. She always had an interpreter for the hard of hearing by her side. Her directed the state health dept. to create public service announcements encouraging social distancing, remote learning, hygiene practices to help prevent transmission, where to get tested/vaccinated/treatment, etc. Whitmer lent her own calm voice to these PSAs.

In her second term, Michigan has experienced a large budget surplus. Whitmer was able to get legislative support to channel a lot of these funds to education. We now have free two-year college/trade school tuition for lower income, over 25 year old students. All public school kids get free lunches and breakfasts. There is good tuition assistance for those going into teaching as their career. Schools are receiving state funding to improve their physical infrastructures, to hire more educators and safety officers. We have a constitutional amendment preserving the right to reproductive freedom. And weed is legal!

She'd be great for America.
Actually it's a lot better than good,...its fantastic! We can pretty much do whatever we want to. Do you know why we act like we own the place? Because WE DO! :mun:Heck,...we may even decide to deport YOU simply for being a Democrat!\
Think of your closest 5 friends. How many of them have graduate degrees?

We are entering tough times, and might not be able to keep supporting you. I apologize in advance.