Trump Supporters Are Begging Him For Their Jobs Back "My wife is in tears! Please, Mr. President, fix this mistake!”

I'm actually loving the irony of all of this. You fuckers actually thought that trumps policies to 'fix' the government wouldn't actually affect YOU?????

I imagine that right this very moment, trump is quoting biden from exactly 4 years ago...............'they can just find another job'

which fuckers are you referring to?

Nursing Job Demand in Texas​

The Texas Department of State Health Services projects the number of nurses needed in Texas to quadruple from 2015 to 2030 with an expected shortfall of nearly 60,000 RNs. Based on these calculations, Texas will account for almost 12% of the national demand for new nurses — even though the population of Texas makes up less than 9% of the total U.S. population. Texas is the 2nd state with the most severe nursing shortage.

this is probably a lie to justify more work visas and general globalist stupidity.
Actually I do know that. We need Congress to step up and make lasting change through legislation. The EOs are nice, but as you said can be overturned at the snap of a finger if and when a marxist democrat gets in office again.
Yep it's time that the GOP Congress back up the E.Os with legislation.
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They went up here. lol Gas per gallon hasn't changed. The same items are out of stock that were out of stock four months ago. Milk is up slightly and meat is up drastically. So much for the claimed "everything's better now that Trump is #IMPOTUSx2," eh?
Agreed. Trump is more concerned about pardoning his criminal terrorists and traitors than reducing the price of groceries.
Actually I do know that. We need Congress to step up and make lasting change through legislation. The EOs are nice, but as you said can be overturned at the snap of a finger if and when a marxist democrat gets in office again.
Trump proved in his first term that he is too lazy and incompetent to get any significant landmark legislative agenda passed. He promised the sky, but the only significant legislation that passed was tax bill primarily benefiting billionaires.
Yep, like his ICE raids "we're rounding up criminals" schtick. Like "Gulf of America" and changing the name of Denali -- pure pandering to the frightened white racists.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop; when the economic impact of all these changes hits home in the next six months.

Stone's construction business will take a hit. The price of milk will shoot up.* Egg prices will continue to be high if not higher. Produce prices will rise dramatically too. Why? Because all the people who did the work are being deported or self-deporting out of fear of arrest. Our nation has needed Immigration Reform for decades now but the Republicans always tubed it. Now they shall reap what they have sown.

*My advice to mothers is to start stocking up on powdered milk now.
Yep it's time that the GOP Congress back up the E.Os with legislation.
That's always been the way it should have worked, Ms. Fatlane: Congress passes legislation, the President signs or vetoes it.

Instead, what We, the People has seen for the past few decades is a Congress that is continually running for election and would rather punt to the WH or SCOTUS to make the laws to avoid pissing off their constituents. American Congressional Critters frequently lack spine but are very strong on greed.
Trump proved in his first term that he is too lazy and incompetent to get any significant landmark legislative agenda passed. He promised the sky, but the only significant legislation that passed was tax bill primarily benefiting billionaires.
on that we will disagree, Trump tried to get things done legislatively but unfortunately he was blocked by prick globalists in his own party like Paul Ryan and McConnell. It is one thing for the democrats to stonewall, that is politics. But the numbers were there to force things through for him to sign.

Nursing Job Demand in Texas​

The Texas Department of State Health Services projects the number of nurses needed in Texas to quadruple from 2015 to 2030 with an expected shortfall of nearly 60,000 RNs. Based on these calculations, Texas will account for almost 12% of the national demand for new nurses — even though the population of Texas makes up less than 9% of the total U.S. population. Texas is the 2nd state with the most severe nursing shortage.

The MAGA moron in the OP says working for the government at the VA was his wife's dream job.

Nobody moves to Waco, Texas unless it's for their dream job.
Nothing has changed much yet, besides a few deportations , Trump is acting like a dictator threatening all our trading partners and he still is saying he will be putting his tariffs on Feb 1 , driving up the cost of goods we buy.
MAGAS like Trump are so stupid they think it will be the exporting countries paying these tariffs when all they are going to do is raise their prices to cover the amount of the tariffs , and IMO retail companies may raise their prices couple more percent padding their bottom line and blaming it all on the tariffs.
Time will tell how this works out , I guess we will see after Feb 1 if he does put his tariffs on.
I am hoping that the top economist in the world are wrong and it doesn't drive us into a recession / depression but They are a lot more informed on the subject then most of us are and it could happen.
Let the shit show go on.

MAGATs just don't grok economics, esp. global economics. The importers pay the tariffs, not the exporters. So let's say you're a florist shop. Your biggest most lucrative holiday is Valentine's Day. Like all florists, the majority of your flowers come from Colombia. But oh no! Trump just slapped a punitive 25% tariff on everything coming from Colombia. Your supplier pays that, but charges you 25% more for what you order. So you have two choices: Eat it, or pass it along to your customers. Gonna be a lot of sad, mad MAGAT mamas this Valentine's Day.* lol

* Unless Colombia continues to cave, of course.